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Last active June 5, 2016 14:13
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import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.OptimizationAlgorithm
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf._
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.MergeVertex
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers._
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.LossFunctions
* GoogLeNet:
object GoogLeNet {
def conv1x1(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) =
new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(Array(1, 1), Array(1, 1)).nIn(in).nOut(out).biasInit(bias).build()
def c3x3reduce(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) = conv1x1(in, out, bias)
def c5x5reduce(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) = conv1x1(in, out, bias)
def conv3x3(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) =
new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(Array(3, 3), Array(1, 1), Array(1, 1)).nIn(in).nOut(out).biasInit(bias).build()
def conv5x5(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) =
new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(Array(5, 5), Array(1, 1), Array(2, 2)).nIn(in).nOut(out).biasInit(bias).build()
def conv7x7(in: Int, out: Int, bias: Double = 0.0) =
new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(Array(7, 7), Array(2, 2), Array(3, 3)).nIn(in).nOut(out).biasInit(bias).build()
def avgPool7x7(stride: Int) =
new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.AVG, Array(7, 7), Array(1, 1)).build()
def maxPool3x3(stride: Int) =
new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.MAX, Array(3, 3), Array(stride, stride), Array(1, 1)).build()
def fullyConnected(in: Int, out: Int, dropOut: Double) =
new DenseLayer.Builder().nIn(in).nOut(out).dropOut(dropOut).build()
class GoogLeNet(nChannels: Int, nRows: Int, nColumns: Int, outputNum: Int, iterations: Int, seed: Int) {
import GoogLeNet._
def getConf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
.biasLearningRate(2 * 1e-2)
.addLayer("cnn1", conv7x7(nChannels, 64, 0.2), "input")
.addLayer("max1", maxPool3x3(2), "cnn1")
.addLayer("lrn1", new LocalResponseNormalization.Builder(5, 1e-4, 0.75).build(), "max1")
.addLayer("cnn2", conv1x1(64, 64, 0.2), "lrn1")
.addLayer("cnn3", conv3x3(64, 192, 0.2), "cnn2")
.addLayer("lrn2", new LocalResponseNormalization.Builder(5, 1e-4, 0.75).build(), "cnn3")
.addLayer("max2", maxPool3x3(2), "lrn2")
// Inception 3a
.addLayer("cnn4", conv1x1(192, 64, 0.2), "max2")
.addLayer("cnn5", c3x3reduce(192, 96, 0.2), "max2")
.addLayer("cnn6", c5x5reduce(192, 16, 0.2), "max2")
.addLayer("max3", maxPool3x3(1), "max2")
.addLayer("cnn7", conv3x3(96, 128, 0.2), "cnn5")
.addLayer("cnn8", conv5x5(16, 32, 0.2), "cnn6")
.addLayer("cnn9", conv1x1(192, 32, 0.2), "max3")
.addVertex("depthconcat1", new MergeVertex(), "cnn4", "cnn7", "cnn8", "cnn9")
// Inception 3b
.addLayer("cnn10", conv1x1(256, 128, 0.2), "depthconcat1")
.addLayer("cnn11", c3x3reduce(256, 128, 0.2), "depthconcat1")
.addLayer("cnn12", c5x5reduce(256, 32, 0.2), "depthconcat1")
.addLayer("max4", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat1")
.addLayer("cnn13", conv3x3(128, 192, 0.2), "cnn11")
.addLayer("cnn14", conv5x5(32, 96, 0.2), "cnn12")
.addLayer("cnn15", conv1x1(256, 64, 0.2), "max4")
.addVertex("depthconcat2", new MergeVertex(), "cnn10", "cnn13", "cnn14", "cnn15")
.addLayer("max5", maxPool3x3(2), "depthconcat2") // output: 28x28x192
// Inception 4a
.addLayer("cnn16", conv1x1(480, 192, 0.2), "max5")
.addLayer("cnn17", c3x3reduce(480, 96, 0.2), "max5")
.addLayer("cnn18", c5x5reduce(480, 16, 0.2), "max5")
.addLayer("max6", maxPool3x3(1), "max5")
.addLayer("cnn19", conv3x3(96, 208, 0.2), "cnn17")
.addLayer("cnn20", conv5x5(16, 48, 0.2), "cnn18")
.addLayer("cnn21", conv1x1(480, 64, 0.2), "max6")
.addVertex("depthconcat3", new MergeVertex(), "cnn16", "cnn19", "cnn20", "cnn21") // output: 14x14x512
// Inception 4b
.addLayer("cnn22", conv1x1(512, 160, 0.2), "depthconcat3")
.addLayer("cnn23", c3x3reduce(512, 112, 0.2), "depthconcat3")
.addLayer("cnn24", c5x5reduce(512, 24, 0.2), "depthconcat3")
.addLayer("max7", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat3")
.addLayer("cnn25", conv3x3(112, 224, 0.2), "cnn23")
.addLayer("cnn26", conv5x5(24, 64, 0.2), "cnn24")
.addLayer("cnn27", conv1x1(512, 64, 0.2), "max7")
.addVertex("depthconcat4", new MergeVertex(), "cnn22", "cnn25", "cnn26", "cnn27") // output: 14x14x512
// Inception 4c
.addLayer("cnn28", conv1x1(512, 128, 0.2), "depthconcat4")
.addLayer("cnn29", c3x3reduce(512, 128, 0.2), "depthconcat4")
.addLayer("cnn30", c5x5reduce(512, 24, 0.2), "depthconcat4")
.addLayer("max8", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat4")
.addLayer("cnn31", conv3x3(128, 256, 0.2), "cnn29")
.addLayer("cnn32", conv5x5(24, 64, 0.2), "cnn30")
.addLayer("cnn33", conv1x1(512, 64, 0.2), "max8")
.addVertex("depthconcat5", new MergeVertex(), "cnn28", "cnn31", "cnn32", "cnn33") // output: 14x14x512
// Inception 4d
.addLayer("cnn34", conv1x1(512, 112, 0.2), "depthconcat5")
.addLayer("cnn35", c3x3reduce(512, 144, 0.2), "depthconcat5")
.addLayer("cnn36", c5x5reduce(512, 32, 0.2), "depthconcat5")
.addLayer("max9", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat5")
.addLayer("cnn37", conv3x3(144, 288, 0.2), "cnn35")
.addLayer("cnn38", conv5x5(32, 64, 0.2), "cnn36")
.addLayer("cnn39", conv1x1(512, 64, 0.2), "max9")
.addVertex("depthconcat6", new MergeVertex(), "cnn34", "cnn37", "cnn38", "cnn39") // output: 14x14x528
// Inception 4e
.addLayer("cnn40", conv1x1(528, 256, 0.2), "depthconcat6")
.addLayer("cnn41", c3x3reduce(528, 160, 0.2), "depthconcat6")
.addLayer("cnn42", c5x5reduce(528, 32, 0.2), "depthconcat6")
.addLayer("max10", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat6")
.addLayer("cnn43", conv3x3(128, 320, 0.2), "cnn41")
.addLayer("cnn44", conv5x5(24, 128, 0.2), "cnn42")
.addLayer("cnn45", conv1x1(528, 128, 0.2), "max10")
.addVertex("depthconcat7", new MergeVertex(), "cnn40", "cnn43", "cnn44", "cnn45") // output: 14x14x832
.addLayer("max11", maxPool3x3(2), "depthconcat7") // output: 7x7x832
// Inception 5a
.addLayer("cnn46", conv1x1(832, 256, 0.2), "max10")
.addLayer("cnn47", c3x3reduce(832, 160, 0.2), "max10")
.addLayer("cnn48", c5x5reduce(832, 32, 0.2), "max10")
.addLayer("max12", maxPool3x3(1), "max11")
.addLayer("cnn49", conv3x3(160, 320, 0.2), "cnn47")
.addLayer("cnn50", conv5x5(32, 128, 0.2), "cnn48")
.addLayer("cnn51", conv1x1(832, 128, 0.2), "max12")
.addVertex("depthconcat8", new MergeVertex(), "cnn46", "cnn49", "cnn50", "cnn51") // output: 7x7x832
// Inception 5b
.addLayer("cnn52", conv1x1(832, 384, 0.2), "depthconcat8")
.addLayer("cnn53", c3x3reduce(832, 192, 0.2), "depthconcat8")
.addLayer("cnn54", c5x5reduce(832, 32, 0.2), "depthconcat8")
.addLayer("max13", maxPool3x3(1), "depthconcat8")
.addLayer("cnn55", conv3x3(160, 384, 0.2), "cnn53")
.addLayer("cnn56", conv5x5(32, 128, 0.2), "cnn54")
.addLayer("cnn57", conv1x1(832, 128, 0.2), "max13")
.addVertex("depthconcat9", new MergeVertex(), "cnn52", "cnn55", "cnn56", "cnn57") // output: 7x7x1024
.addLayer("avg3", avgPool7x7(1), "depthconcat9") // output: 1x1x1024
.addLayer("fc1", fullyConnected(1024, 1024, 0.4), "avg3") // output: 1x1x1024
.addLayer("output", new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
.build(), "fc1")
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