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Created March 7, 2012 16:25
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  • Save mamantoha/1994183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mamantoha/1994183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set nocompatible "don't need to keep compatibility with Vi
filetype plugin indent on "enable detection, plugins and indenting in one step
syntax on "Turn on syntax highlighting
set cursorline "underline the current line in the file
set cursorcolumn "highlight the current column. Visible in GUI mode only.
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp1251,cp866,koi8-u
set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
set statusline=%t\ %y%m%r[%{&fileencoding}][%{&spelllang}][%{&fileformat}]%<[%{strftime(\"%d.%m.%y\",getftime(expand(\"%:p\")))}]%k%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
set laststatus=2
colorscheme desert
" Підтримка мишки
"set mouse=a
"set mousemodel=popup
set shiftwidth=2 "number of spaces to use in each autoindent step
set tabstop=2 "two tab spaces
set softtabstop=2 "number of spaces to skip or insert when <BS>ing or <Tab>ing
set expandtab "spaces instead of tabs for better cross-editor compatibility
set smarttab "use shiftwidth and softtabstop to insert or delete (on <BS>) blanks
set cindent "recommended seting for automatic C-style indentation
set autoindent "automatic indentation in non-C files
set nowrap "no wrapping
set copyindent "copy the previous indentation on autoindenting
set backspace=indent,eol,start "allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set incsearch "find the next match as we type the search
set hlsearch "hilight searches by default
set ignorecase "ignore case when searching
highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@<!$/
autocmd InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()
set number "Show line numbers
" Пробіл в нормальному режимі перелистує сторінки
nmap <Space> <PageDown>
" Ukrainian support | CTRL+^
set keymap=ukrainian-jcuken
" by default - latin keymap
set iminsert=0
" by default - latin keymap for search
set imsearch=0
" F2 - швидке зберігання
nmap <F2> :w<cr>
vmap <F2> <esc>:w<cr>i
imap <F2> <esc>:w<cr>i
" <F7> File fileformat (dos - <CR> <NL>, Unix - <NL>, mac - <CR>)
map <F7> :execute RotateFileFormat()<CR>
vmap <F7> <C-C><F7>
imap <F7> <C-O><F7>
let b:fformatindex=0
function! RotateFileFormat()
let y = -1
while y == -1
let encstring = "#unix#dos#mac#"
let x = match(encstring,"#",b:fformatindex)
let y = match(encstring,"#",x+1)
let b:fformatindex = x+1
if y == -1
let b:fformatindex = 0
let str = strpart(encstring,x+1,y-x-1)
return ":set fileformat=".str
" <F8> File encoding for open
" ucs-2le - MS Windows Unicode encoding
map <F8> :execute RotateEnc()<CR>
vmap <F8> <C-C><F8>
imap <F8> <C-O><F8>
let b:encindex=0
function! RotateEnc()
let y = -1
while y == -1
let encstring = "#koi8-r#cp1251#8bit-cp866#utf-8#ucs-2le#"
let x = match(encstring,"#",b:encindex)
let y = match(encstring,"#",x+1)
let b:encindex = x+1
if y == -1
let b:encindex = 0
let str = strpart(encstring,x+1,y-x-1)
return ":e ++enc=".str
" <Shift+F8> Force file encoding for open (encoding = fileencoding)
map <S-F8> :execute ForceRotateEnc()<CR>
vmap <S-F8> <C-C><S-F8>
imap <S-F8> <C-O><S-F8>
let b:encindex=0
function! ForceRotateEnc()
let y = -1
while y == -1
let encstring = "#koi8-r#cp1251#8bit-cp866#utf-8#ucs-2le#"
let x = match(encstring,"#",b:encindex)
let y = match(encstring,"#",x+1)
let b:encindex = x+1
if y == -1
let b:encindex = 0
let str = strpart(encstring,x+1,y-x-1)
:execute "set encoding=".str
return ":e ++enc=".str
" <Ctrl+F8> File encoding for save (convert)
map <C-F8> :execute RotateFEnc()<CR>
vmap <C-F8> <C-C><C-F8>
imap <C-F8> <C-O><C-F8>
let b:fencindex=0
function! RotateFEnc()
let y = -1
while y == -1
let encstring = "#koi8-r#cp1251#8bit-cp866#utf-8#ucs-2le#"
let x = match(encstring,"#",b:fencindex)
let y = match(encstring,"#",x+1)
let b:fencindex = x+1
if y == -1
let b:fencindex = 0
let str = strpart(encstring,x+1,y-x-1)
return ":set fenc=".str
" F9 - зміна кодування файлу
set wildmenu
set wcm=<Tab>
menu Encoding.koi8-u :e ++enc=koi8-u<CR>
menu :e ++enc=cp1251<CR>
menu :e ++enc=ibm866<CR>
menu Encoding.utf-8 :e ++enc=utf-8 <CR>
map <F9> :emenu Encoding.<TAB>
if version >= 700
" По замовчуванню перевірка орфографії виключена.
setlocal spell spelllang=
setlocal nospell
function ChangeSpellLang()
if &spelllang == "en_us"
setlocal spell spelllang=ru
elseif &spelllang == "ru"
setlocal spell spelllang=uk
elseif &spelllang == "uk"
setlocal spell spelllang=
setlocal nospell
setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
" map spell on/off
map <F11> <Esc>:call ChangeSpellLang()<CR>
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