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Created August 8, 2014 22:00
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  • Save mambocab/824f9698e603d0456204 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mambocab/824f9698e603d0456204 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • set up sauce labs/browserstack account (remote tests)
  • download selenium server (not selenium IDE) & install Java (for local tests)
  • install phantomjs (brew install phantomjs) (probably doesn't work with intern-geezer)
  • to structure a directory: git clone
    • we don't care about the application, so you can
      • rm -r app
      • rm index.html
  • step through steps 1 and 2 of the intern tutorial
    • but! don't install the main intern package on npm. you'll use npm install intern-geezer --save-dev. the geezer branch is capable of driving
    • you also don't need to worry about changing the packages attribute in loader (that's for dealing with the local app)
    • You may want to actually read the entire tutorial; it has some helpful information.
  • You can skip step 3. I think we'd rather use qUnit for unit tests.
  • put in tests/functional, and name it tests.js.
  • go into tests/intern.js and change the functionalSuites list to contain the string 'myPackage/tests/functional/tests'.
  • explanation: note that we loaded our local files in the loader.packages attribute as myPackage. (In real testing, we could use that to load the pages we want to test.) So, since . is myPackage, that means our test file is the 'package' myPackage/tests/functional/tests.

local tests

  • in tests/intern.js, do the following:
  • change the tunnel attribute to ’NullTunnel’
  • comment out all the objects in the environments attribute, and add the object { browserName: 'safari'}.
  • open a new tmux window, because we're gonna start a server! then java -jar ${PATH_TO_SELENIUM_SERVER_EXECUTABLE}.
  • that'll start up a selenium server listening on port 4444. (for debugging later, you can check to see if it's still on that port with lsof -i :4444)
  • now you should be ready to run your tests locally with ./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner config=tests/intern. It’ll start up an instance of Safari and run the tests!
  • If it doesn’t, then you got problems.

sauce labs tests

  • You need to put your Sauce authentication information somewhere where Intern can get it -- you can put that in your config file, but I think that’s a bad idea, since you might commit it to source control. I leave it as an exercise to the reader, if the reader is smarter than me and will never commit their access key. I recommend exporting them as environment variables in the shell where you will launch the tests:
  • export SAUCE_USERNAME=xxxx
  • export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=xxxx (get your access key from the left sidebar on the sauce labs dashboard.)
  • Then go back into intern.js.
  • Get rid of the { browserName: 'safari'} object and uncomment one of the other objects in environments - this will specify the browser and platform you want to run the tests on.
  • change the tunnel to NullTunnel (or just comment that line out -- NullTunnel is the default
  • aaaand you should be good to run your tests on Sauce Labs’ cloud: ./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner config=tests/intern.
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If a server is still running you can kill it with "kill -9 PID" where PID is the listed PID value in the output to "lsof -i PORT"

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