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Created October 27, 2017 00:50
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F# little ADO wrapper
module Db
open System
open System.IO
open System.Data
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
type DbCon =
| Nested of IDbConnection
| Direct of IDbConnection
type DataReader(reader:IDataReader) =
member private x.Reader = reader
member x.Read() = reader.Read()
member x.asNameValue() =
let r = x.Reader
[| for i in 0 .. r.FieldCount - 1 ->
let readerName = r.GetName(i)
// printfn "Field: %s" readerName
let readerValue = r.[ i ]
(readerName, readerValue) |] |> dict
member x.GetValue(name:string): 'R =
unbox (x.Reader.[name])
static member (?) (dr:DataReader, name:string) : 'R =
unbox (dr.Reader.[name])
interface IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = reader.Dispose()
let fromDBNull (o: obj): 'a option =
if o = null || DBNull.Value.Equals o
then None
else Some (unbox o)
with :? InvalidCastException as e ->
let msg = sprintf "Can't cast '%s' to '%s'" (o.GetType().Name) (typeof<'a>.Name)
raise <| InvalidCastException(msg, e)
let toDBNull =
| None -> box DBNull.Value
| Some x -> box x
let _IsOption (t: Type) =
if t.IsGenericType
then t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>
else false
let IsOption (opt: obj) =
if opt = null
then false
else _IsOption (opt.GetType())
let IsNone (opt: obj): bool =
if not (IsOption opt)
then invalidArg "opt" "Object must be of option type"
else unbox <| opt.GetType().GetMethod("get_IsNone").Invoke(null, [| opt |])
let (|SomeObj|_|) =
let ty = typedefof<option<_>>
fun (a:obj) ->
let aty = a.GetType()
let v = aty.GetProperty("Value")
if aty.IsGenericType && aty.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = ty then
if a = null then None
else Some(v.GetValue(a, [| |]))
else None
let GetOptionValue (opt: obj) =
match opt with
| SomeObj(x1) -> x1
| _ -> invalidArg "opt" "Object must be of option type"
let (|OSome|ONone|) (x: obj) : Choice<obj, unit> =
if IsNone x
then ONone
else OSome (GetOptionValue x)
let (|OptionType|NotOptionType|) x =
if IsOption x
then OptionType
else NotOptionType
let optionToDBNull =
| OSome x -> x
| _ -> box DBNull.Value
let MakeOptionType (t: Type) =
typedefof<option<_>>.MakeGenericType [| t |]
let MakeOptionNone (t: Type) =
let opt = MakeOptionType t
opt.InvokeMember("None", BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, null, null)
let MakeOptionSome (t: Type) (value: obj) =
let opt = MakeOptionType t
opt.InvokeMember("Some", BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, [| value |])
let UnwrapOption (t: Type) (o: obj option) =
let isOption = _IsOption t
let underlyingType =
if isOption
then t.GetGenericArguments().[0]
else null
match o, isOption with
| None, true -> MakeOptionNone underlyingType
| None, false -> failwithf "Can't map null to non-option type %s" t.Name
| Some x, true -> MakeOptionSome underlyingType x
| Some x, false -> x
/// Represents a parameter to a command
type Parameter = {
DbType: DbType option
Direction: ParameterDirection
ParameterName: string
Value: obj
} with
static member make(parameterName, value: obj) =
{ DbType = None
Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
ParameterName = parameterName
Value = value }
/// Adds a parameter to a command
let addParameter (cmd: #IDbCommand) (p: Parameter) =
//print p.ParameterName
let par = cmd.CreateParameter()
match p.DbType with
| Some t -> par.DbType <- t
| None -> ()
par.Direction <- p.Direction
par.ParameterName <- p.ParameterName
par.Value <-
match p.Value with
| null -> box DBNull.Value
| OptionType -> optionToDBNull p.Value
| x -> x
cmd.Parameters.Add par |> ignore
let splitStr(source:string) (split:string) =
source.Split([|split|], StringSplitOptions.None)
let loadSqlCommands(fileName) =
let sql = File.ReadLines(fileName)
let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
let mutable name = ""
seq {
for line in sql do
if line.StartsWith("--name: ") then
sb.Clear() |> ignore
name <- (splitStr line "--name: ").[1]
if line.StartsWith("GO") then
printfn "CMD:::%s" name
yield name, sb.ToString()
sb.AppendLine(line) |> ignore
} |> Map.ofSeq
let printParam parameters =
for p in parameters do
yield p.ParameterName, p.Value
let makeCmd (con:#IDbConnection) sql (parameters: #seq<Parameter>) =
let cmd = con.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- sql
parameters |> Seq.iter (addParameter cmd)
let select (con:#IDbConnection) sql parameters =
printfn "SELECT: %s: %A" sql (parameters |> printParam)
use cmd = makeCmd con sql parameters
let rows = new DataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())
while rows.Read() do
yield rows.asNameValue()
let exeSql (con:#IDbConnection) sql =
printfn "Script: %s" sql
use cmd = makeCmd con sql []
let cmdSql (con:#IDbConnection) sql parameters =
printfn "CMD: %s" sql
use cmd = makeCmd con sql parameters
let queryScalar (con:#IDbConnection) sql parameters =
printfn "SCALAR: %s" sql
use cmd = makeCmd con sql parameters
let r = cmd.ExecuteScalar() |> fromDBNull
match r with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwithf "Sql: %s with %A return Null" sql parameters
let onTran (con:#IDbConnection) (fn:unit -> 'a) =
use tran = con.BeginTransaction()
printfn "%s" "BEGIN TRAN"
let r = fn()
printfn "%s" "COMMIT TRAN"
with e ->
printfn "%s" "ROLLBACK TRAN"
raise e
let internal strEq (a: string) (b: string) =
StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Equals(a, b)
/// Maps a row as a sequence of name,value
let asNameValue (r: IDataRecord) =
let names = {0..r.FieldCount-1} |> r.GetName
let values = {0..r.FieldCount-1} |> r.GetValue names values
let unpack(row:IDictionary<string, obj>, name) =
unbox row.[name]
let toRecord<'a> (row:IDictionary<string, obj>)=
let createRecord = FSharpValue.PreComputeRecordConstructor(typeof<'a>)
let make values = (createRecord values) :?> 'a
let fields = FSharpType.GetRecordFields typeof<'a>
let setOptionTypes (y: obj, p: PropertyInfo) =
UnwrapOption p.PropertyType (fromDBNull y)
let values =
for f in fields do
//printfn "Field: %s" f.Name
let value = row.[f.Name]
yield setOptionTypes(value, f)
| :? KeyNotFoundException as ex ->
let names = [|for f in fields do yield f.Name|] |> Set.ofArray
let keys = row.Keys |> Set.ofSeq
let notFound = Set.difference names keys
failwithf "%s: %A" ex.Message notFound
make values
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