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import math
the solution , will use 2 stack and 2 counters
for each closing case and open case
and will flip each close case if no open case for it
def correctstring(s):
open_stack = []
close_stack = []
open_counter = 0
close_counter = 0
for ch in s:
if ch == '(':
# open case
open_counter +=1
close_counter -=1
elif ch == ')':
#close case
if (len(open_stack) == len(close_stack) ) and (open_counter == 0) and (close_counter == 0):
open_counter +=1
close_counter -=1
close_counter +=1
open_counter -=1
while open_counter < 0:
open_counter +=1
while close_counter < 0:
close_counter +=1
return ''.join(open_stack) + ''.join(close_stack)
# These are the tests we use to determine if the solution is correct.
# You can add your own at the bottom.
def printInteger(n):
print('[', n, ']', sep='', end='')
test_case_number = 1
def check(expected, output):
global test_case_number
result = False
if expected == output:
result = True
rightTick = '\u2713'
wrongTick = '\u2717'
if result:
print(rightTick, 'Test #', test_case_number, sep='')
print(wrongTick, 'Test #', test_case_number, ': Expected ', sep='', end='')
print(' Your output: ', end='')
test_case_number += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
t_1 = "(()"
expected_1 = '(())'
output_1 = correctstring(t_1)
check(expected_1, output_1)
t_2 = "(())))"
expected_2 = '((()))'
output_2 = correctstring(t_2)
check(expected_2, output_2)
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