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Last active February 17, 2016 19:39
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import Prelude
import System.Directory
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List;
import Data.Bool;
import Data.Word;
import Data.Int;
import Data.List;
import Data.Maybe;
import Data.HashMap.Strict;
import System.IO;
data ProgramState = ProgramState { stack :: [String], position :: Integer, heap :: HashMap String String }
newState = ProgramState {stack = [], position = 0, heap = empty :: HashMap String String}
checkProgramBounds :: [ProgramState -> IO ProgramState] -> ProgramState -> Bool
checkProgramBounds program state =
comparePosition :: Integer -> Bool
comparePosition pos = ((pos >= 0) && (pos) < ((fromIntegral (length program)) :: Integer))
in comparePosition (position state)
runProgram :: [ProgramState -> IO ProgramState] -> IO ProgramState -> IO ProgramState
runProgram program state =
perform :: [ProgramState ->IO ProgramState] -> IO ProgramState -> Bool -> IO ProgramState
perform program state resume = runInstructionOrStop resume program state
in (fmap (checkProgramBounds program) state) >>= (perform program state)
getInstruction :: Integer -> [ProgramState -> IO ProgramState] -> (ProgramState -> IO ProgramState)
getInstruction pos program = (program !! ((fromIntegral (pos)) :: Int))
runInstructionOrStop :: Bool -> [ProgramState -> IO ProgramState] -> IO ProgramState -> IO ProgramState
runInstructionOrStop False program state = state
runInstructionOrStop True program state =
perform :: IO ProgramState -> Integer -> IO ProgramState
perform state pos = runProgram program (state >>= (getInstruction pos program))
in (fmap position state) >>= (perform state)
gotoNext :: ProgramState -> Integer
gotoNext state = (position state) + 1
opReadString :: String -> ProgramState -> IO ProgramState
opReadString variablename state = do
str <- getLine
return (ProgramState {stack = (stack state), position = (gotoNext state), heap = Data.HashMap.Strict.insert variablename str (heap state) })
opWriteVariable :: String -> ProgramState -> IO ProgramState
opWriteVariable variablename state = do
putStrLn (Data.HashMap.Strict.lookupDefault "" variablename (heap state))
return ProgramState {stack = (stack state), position = (gotoNext state), heap = (heap state) }
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
runProgram [opReadString "a", opReadString "b", opReadString "c", opReadString "d", opWriteVariable "d", opWriteVariable "c", opWriteVariable "b", opWriteVariable "a"] (return newState)
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