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Last active August 19, 2020 09:04
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Save mamsoudi/93407495730d28b7f14ae9b2cdb7a1b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here's the configuration I came up with for my PM2 API instances on my own server, hopefully it'll be useful.
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name: 'Sample API',
exec_mode: 'cluster',
instances: 4,
watch: true,
// I had my database under `./cinema` so make sure anything changing inside the project's root is ignored
// if you have watch turned on above
ignore_watch: ['node_modules', 'cinema'],
script: './dist/index.js',
// I later use these to run different instances, notice that there is an option to add env names to instance names that
// will probably make it easier for you to deal with instances and work with them via PM2 cli. You can find it in the docs.
env: {
'NODE_ENV': 'test'
env_dev: {
'NODE_ENV': 'dev'
env_prod: {
'NODE_ENV': 'production'
deploy : {
prod : {
user : 'USERNAME',
ref : 'origin/master',
repo : '',
// Pay attention that i'm specifing which env I'm targeting for this deployment environement. It should match your env
// Here I'm telling it to use my exisiting SSH key on my local to connect to Github to fetch latest changes, You can
// create a new one on your server and tell PM2 to use that one.
'ssh_options': 'ForwardAgent=yes',
'pre-deploy-local': 'echo "Started Deploying Production Build! :)"',
// Here's where magic happens. You can gracefully reload instances of `prod` clusters you started.
'post-deploy' : 'npm install && pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js --env prod',
'pre-setup': 'echo "Started setting-up Deployment for Production"',
'post-setup': 'echo "Setup Finished!"'
dev : {
user : 'USERNAME',
ref : 'origin/master',
repo : '',
'ssh_options': 'ForwardAgent=yes',
'pre-deploy-local': 'echo "Started Deploying Development! :)"',
'post-deploy' : 'yarn && yarn compile && pm2 startOrReload ecosystem.config.js --env dev',
'pre-setup': 'echo "Started setting-up Deployment for Development"',
'post-setup': 'echo "Setup Finished!"'
test: {
user : 'USERNAME',
// This line is a bit tricky, sometimes when you're testing a specific branch of your code, you might want to
// tell github to fetch that branch on server to stage it, here, by doing so, I can later tell PM2 in command line
// that I need the ref to be, say, `masoud/test-something` and on the server, it'd fetch that branch and run `test`
// with the branch I told it to. Pretty handy for testing and staging.
ref : process.env.BRANCH || 'dev',
repo : '',
'ssh_options': 'ForwardAgent=yes',
'pre-deploy-local': `echo "Started Deploying ${process.env.BRANCH || 'dev'} branch! :)"`,
'post-deploy' : 'ls -la && yarn && yarn compile && pm2 startOrReload ecosystem.config.js --env test',
'pre-setup': 'echo "Started setting-up Deployment"',
'post-setup': 'echo "Setup Finished!"'
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