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Created October 12, 2011 08:52
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Save managementboy/1280683 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
modified detail.php for pseudostreaming
* This displays details about a program, as well as provides recording
* commands.
* @license GPL
* @package MythWeb
* @subpackage TV
// Set the desired page title
$page_title = 'MythWeb - '.t('Program Detail').": $schedule->title";
// Custom headers
$headers[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.skin_url.'/tv_schedule.css">';
$headers[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.skin_url.'/tv_detail.css">';
$headers[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.root_url.'js/libs/flowplayer/flowplayer.js"></script>';
// Print the page header
require 'modules/_shared/tmpl/'.tmpl.'/header.php';
if ($program && $program->filename) {
$flv_w = setting('WebFLV_w');
$flv_h = intVal($flv_w / $program->getAspect()) + 25; // +25px for the playback controls
* Print the page contents:
* I really hate tables, but this layout just doesn't work right with pure-css,
* considering that different languages and setups will all have varied widths
* that make it too hard to lay out. In its defense, it *is* somewhat tabular.
<script type="text/javascript">
// Keep track of the autoexpire flag
var autoexpire = <?php echo $program->auto_expire ? 1 : 0 ?>;
// Set the autoexpire flag
function set_autoexpire() {
var r = new Ajax.Request('<?php echo root_url ?>tv/detail/<?php echo $program->chanid, '/', $program->recstartts ?>',
parameters: 'toggle_autoexpire='+(1 - autoexpire),
asynchronous: false
if (r.transport.responseText == 'success') {
// Update to the new value
autoexpire = 1 - autoexpire;
// Fix the images
$('autoexpire').src = '<?php echo skin_url, '/img/flags/' ?>'
+ (autoexpire
? ''
: 'no_')
+ 'autoexpire.png';
if (autoexpire)
$('autoexpire').title = '<?php echo addslashes(t('Click to disable Auto Expire')) ?>';
$('autoexpire').title = '<?php echo addslashes(t('Click to enable Auto Expire')) ?>';
else if (r.transport.responseText) {
alert('Error: '+r.transport.responseText);
function confirm_delete(forget_old) {
if (confirm("<?php echo str_replace('"', '\\"',
t('Are you sure you want to delete the following show?')
.'\n\n '
? ': '.$program->subtitle
: '')) ?>")) {
location.href = '<?php echo root_url ?>tv/recorded?delete=yes&chanid=<?php
echo $program->chanid
?>&starttime=<?php echo $program->recstartts ?>'
? '&forget_old=yes'
: '');
function openFlashPlayerInNewWindow() {
player ='', 'Flash Player', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,width=<?php echo $flv_w; ?>,height=<?php echo $flv_h; ?>,left=20,top=20');
player.document.write('<html><body style="background-color: black; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">'+$$('.x-pixmap')[0].textContent+'</body></html>');
function watchShow(host, chanid, starttime) {
new Ajax.Request('<?php echo root_url;?>remote/play_program_on_frontend', {
method: 'get',
parameters: {exit: 1,
host: host,
chanid: chanid,
starttime: starttime
// Tries to find metadata for the current item
// If found adds a "Home Page" link to the page
function detailLookupMetadata() {
new Ajax.Request('<?php echo root_url ?>tv/lookup_metadata',
parameters: {
'title' : "<?php echo $schedule->title ?>",
'subtitle' : "<?php echo $schedule->subtitle ?>",
'inetref' : "<?php echo ($program ? $program->inetref : $schedule->inetref) ?>",
'season' : "<?php echo ($program ? $program->season : $schedule->season) ?>",
'episode' : "<?php echo ($program ? $program->episode : $schedule->episode) ?>"
asynchronous: true,
method: 'get',
onSuccess: detailOnMetadata,
onFailure: detailOnMetadataFailure
// if metadata is found inserts a home page then update the links
function detailOnMetadata(transport) {
var list = transport.responseJSON.VideoLookupList;
updateHomePage(list.VideoLookups[0] || {});
// silently fail (no need to disrupt the page)
function detailOnMetadataFailure(transport) {
function updateHomePage(item) {
var homePage = $("home-page");
var homeButton = $("metadata-home-page-link");
// if this item doesn't have a home page link then
// remove the existing link or ignore
if (!item.HomePage) {
homePage && Element.remove(homePage);
homeButton && Element.remove(homeButton);
// update the link or create it if this item does have a home page
if (homePage) {
homePage.href = item.HomePage;
} else {
new Element("a",
{href: item.HomePage,
target: "_new", id: "home-page"}).
update(item.Title + " " + "<?php echo t("Metadata Home Page") ?>")});
if (homeButton) {
homeButton.href = item.HomePage;
} else {
var mhp = $("metadata-home-page");
mhp && mhp.insert(
new Element("a",
{id: "metadata-home-page-link",
href: item.HomePage,
target: "_new"}).
update("<?php echo t("Metadata Home Page")?>")
// hook to look up data once the page has started
// -->
<div id="content">
<div id="contentBlock">
<div id="div-x-info">
<table id="x-info" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<?php if ($channel) { ?>
<td class="x-channel">
<a href="<?php echo root_url ?>tv/channel/<?php echo $channel->chanid, '/', $program->starttime ?>"
echo t('Details for: $1',
<?php if ($_SESSION["show_channel_icons"] == true && !empty($channel->icon)) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $channel->icon ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php echo ($_SESSION["prefer_channum"] ? $channel->callsign : $channel->channum), "\n" ?>
<?php } ?>
<td id="x-title"<?php
if (!$channel)
echo ' colspan="2"';
if ($program && $program->css_class)
echo ' class="', $program->css_class, '"';
<a href="<?php echo root_url ?>tv/search/<?php echo str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode('^'.$schedule->title.'$')) ?>?field=title"><?php
echo $schedule->title;
if ($schedule->subtitle)
echo ':<br>', $schedule->subtitle;
<div id="x-time"><?php
echo strftime('%a, %b %e', $schedule->starttime);
echo ', '
.t('$1 to $2', strftime($_SESSION['time_format'], $schedule->starttime),
strftime($_SESSION['time_format'], $schedule->endtime));
if ($program)
echo ' ('.tn('$1 min', '$1 mins', intval($program->length/60)).')';
echo "<br>\n";
if (!empty($schedule->fancy_description)) {
<td id="x-description" colspan="2">
<?php echo nl2br($schedule->fancy_description) ?>
if ($program) {
?><tr id="x-progflags">
<td colspan="2"><?php
// Auto expire is interactive for recordings
if ($program->filename) {
echo '<a onclick="set_autoexpire()">',
'<img id="autoexpire" src="', skin_url, '/img/flags/';
if ($program->auto_expire)
echo 'autoexpire.png" title="', t('Click to disable Auto Expire'), '"';
echo 'no_autoexpire.png" title="', t('Click to enable Auto Expire'), '"';
echo '></a>';
elseif ($program->auto_expire) {
echo '<img src="', skin_url, '/img/flags/autoexpire.png" title="', t('Auto Expire'), '">';
// The rest of the flags are just for display
if ($program->closecaptioned)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/cc.png" title="'.t('Closed Captioning').'">';
if ($program->stereo)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/stereo.png" title="'.t('Stereo').'">';
if ($program->hdtv)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/hd.png" title="'.t('HD').'">';
if ($program->has_commflag)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/commflagged.png" title="'.t('Commercials Flagged').'">';
if ($program->has_cutlist)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/cutlist.png" title="'.t('Has Cutlist').'">';
if ($program->bookmark)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/bookmark.png" title="'.t('has Bookmark').'">';
if ($program->is_watched)
echo '<img src="'.skin_url.'/img/flags/watched.png" title="'.t('Watched').'">';
// Report transcoded status for recordings
if ($program->filename) {
if ($program->is_transcoded)
echo t(' TRANSCODED');
if (strlen($program->category)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Category') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->category ?></td>
if (strlen($program->category_type)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Type') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->category_type;
if ($program->seriesid)
echo ' (', $program->seriesid, ')' ?></td>
if (strlen($program->syndicatedepisodenumber) > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Episode Number') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->syndicatedepisodenumber ?></td>
if (strlen($program->inetref) > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Internet Reference #') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->inetref ?> <span class="commands" id="metadata-home-page"></span></td>
if ($program->season > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Season') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->season ?></td>
if ($program->episode > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Episode') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->episode ?></td>
if (strlen($program->airdate)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Original Airdate') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->airdate ?></td>
if (strlen($program->programid) > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Program ID') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->programid ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('host', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Hosted by') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('host', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('presenter', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Presented by') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('presenter', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('actor', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Cast') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('actor', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('guest_star', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Guest Starring') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('guest_star', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('director', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Directed by') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('director', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('producer', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Produced by') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('producer', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('executive_producer', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Exec. Producer') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('executive_producer', TRUE) ?></td>
if ($program->get_credits('writer', TRUE)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Written by') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->get_credits('writer', TRUE) ?></td>
if (strlen($program->starstring) > 0) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Guide rating') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->starstring ?></td>
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Length') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo nice_length($program->length) ?></td>
if ($program->filename) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('File Size') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo nice_filesize($program->filesize) ?></td>
if (strlen($program->recgroup)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Recording Group') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->recgroup ?></td>
if (strlen($program->playgroup)) {
?><tr class="x-extras">
<th><?php echo t('Playback Group') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo $program->playgroup ?></td>
// Can we perform an accurate duplicate check?
$can_dupcheck = preg_match('/\S/', $program->title)
&& preg_match('/\S/', $program->programid.$program->subtitle.$program->description);
if (!empty($program->recstatus) || $can_dupcheck) {
?><tr id="x-status">
<th><?php echo t('MythTV Status') ?>:</th>
if (!empty($program->recstatus)) {
echo $GLOBALS['RecStatus_Reasons'][$program->recstatus], '<br>';
if ($can_dupcheck && in_array($program->recstatus, array('Recorded', 'NeverRecord', 'PreviousRecording'))) {
echo '<a href="'.root_url.'tv/detail/'.$program->chanid
.'title="'.html_entities(t('info:forget old')).'">'
.t('Forget Old').'</a>';
if ($can_dupcheck && !in_array($program->recstatus, array('Recorded', 'NeverRecord'))) {
echo '<a href="'.root_url.'tv/detail/'.$program->chanid
.'title="'.html_entities(t('info:never record')).'">'
.t('Never Record').'</a>';
if ($program->filename && $program->can_delete) {
echo '<a onclick="javascript:confirm_delete(false)"',
' title="',html_entities(t('Delete $1',
? ': '.$show->subtitle
: '')
t('Delete'), '</a>',
'<a onclick="javascript:confirm_delete(true)"',
' title="',html_entities(t('Delete and rerecord $1',
? ': '.$show->subtitle
: '')
t('Delete + Rerecord'), '</a>';
if (count($conflicting_shows)) {
?><tr id="x-conflicts">
<th><?php echo t('Possible conflicts') ?>:<br><br>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<?php echo t('Filters'); ?><br>
<form id="change_display" name="change_display" action="<?php echo root_url; ?>tv/detail<?php if ($_GET['recordid'])
echo '?recordid='.urlencode($_GET['recordid']);
echo '/'.urlencode($_GET['chanid']).'/'.urlencode($_GET['starttime']) ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="change_display" value="1">
<label for="CurrentRecording"><input type="checkbox" id="CurrentRecording" name="CurrentRecording" onclick="$('change_display').submit()" <?php if ($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_CurrentRecording']) echo "CHECKED"; ?>> <?php echo t('Current Recording'); ?></label><br>
<label for="EarlierShowing"><input type="checkbox" id="EarlierShowing" name="EarlierShowing" onclick="$('change_display').submit()" <?php if ($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_EarlierShowing']) echo "CHECKED"; ?>> <?php echo t('Earlier Showing'); ?></label><br>
<label for="PreviousRecording"><input type="checkbox" id="PreviousRecording" name="PreviousRecording" onclick="$('change_display').submit()" <?php if ($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_PreviousRecording']) echo "CHECKED"; ?>> <?php echo t('Previous Recording'); ?></label><br>
<label for="WillRecord"><input type="checkbox" id="WillRecord" name="WillRecord" onclick="$('change_display').submit()" <?php if ($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_WillRecord']) echo "CHECKED"; ?>> <?php echo t('Will Record'); ?></label><br>
<label for="Conflict"><input type="checkbox" id="Conflict" name="Conflict" onclick="$('change_display').submit()" <?php if ($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_Conflict']) echo "CHECKED"; ?>> <?php echo t('Conflicts'); ?></label><br>
// A program id counter for popup info
$program_id_counter = 0;
foreach ($conflicting_shows as $show) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['recording_details']['show_'.$show->recstatus]))
// Print the link to edit this scheduled recording
echo '<a class="', $show->css_class,
'" title="', html_entities(t('$1 to $2',
strftime($_SESSION['time_format'], $show->starttime),
strftime($_SESSION['time_format'], $show->endtime))
.', '.($_SESSION["prefer_channum"] ? $show->channel->channum : $show->channel->callsign)
.' - '.$show->channel->name).'"';
if ($_SESSION["show_popup_info"])
echo show_popup("program_$program_id_counter", $show->details_list(), NULL, 'popup');
echo ' href="'.root_url.'tv/detail/'.$show->chanid.'/'.$show->starttime.'">'
.(preg_match('/\\w/', $show->subtitle) ? ": $show->subtitle" : '')
?><tr class="x-links">
<th><?php echo t('More') ?>:</th>
<?php if ($schedule->title) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo urlencode($schedule->title) ?>"><?php echo t('Search $1', 'themoviedb') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo urlencode($schedule->title) ?>"><?php echo t('Search $1', 'IMDB') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo urlencode($schedule->title) ?>&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search"><?php echo t('Search $1', 'TheTVDB') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo urlencode($schedule->title) ?>"><?php echo t('Search $1', '') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo urlencode($schedule->title) ?>"><?php echo t('Search $1', 'Google') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo root_url ?>tv/search/<?php echo str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode('^'.$schedule->title.'$')) ?>?field=title"><?php
if ($_GET['recordid'])
echo t('Find showings of this program');
echo t('Find other showings of this program');
<?php }
if ($_GET['recordid']) {
echo '<a href="', root_url, 'tv/schedules">',
t('Back to the recording schedules'),
echo '<a href="', root_url, 'tv/list?time=', $_SESSION['list_time'], '">',
t('Back to the program listing'),
else {
if ($program->endtime > time()) {
echo '<a href="', root_url, 'tv/list?time=', $program->starttime, '">',
t('What else is on at this time?'),
if ($program->filename) {
echo '<a href="', root_url, 'tv/recorded">',
t('Back to the recorded programs'),
else {
echo '<a href="', root_url, 'tv/list?time=', $_SESSION['list_time'], '">',
t('Back to the program listing'),
} ?>
<?php if (!$program || !$program->filename || ($program->filename && $program->recendts > time())) { ?>
<div id="schedule">
<form name="program_detail" method="post" action="<?php echo root_url ?>tv/detail<?php
if ($_GET['recordid'])
echo '?recordid='.urlencode($_GET['recordid']);
echo '/'.urlencode($_GET['chanid']).'/'.urlencode($_GET['starttime'])
<?php if (!$schedule || $schedule->type != rectype_override && $schedule->type != rectype_dontrec) { ?>
<div class="x-options">
<h3><?php echo t('Schedule Options') ?>:</h3>
if ($program && $schedule) {
echo '(<a href="'.root_url.'tv/';
// Link to different places for different kinds of schedules
if ($schedule->search) {
echo 'schedules/',
($schedule->search == searchtype_manual) ? 'manual'
: 'custom',
'/', $schedule->recordid;
echo 'detail?recordid='.$schedule->recordid;
echo '">'.t('View').'</a>)';
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="0" id="record_never"<?php
if (!$schedule->recordid || $schedule->search) echo ' CHECKED' ?> />
<label for="record_never"><?php
if ($schedule->search) {
echo t('Schedule via $1.',
'<a href='.root_url.'tv/schedules/'
.($schedule->search == searchtype_manual
? 'manual'
: 'custom'
elseif ($schedule->recordid)
echo t('Cancel this schedule.');
echo t('Don\'t record this program.');
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_once ?>" id="record_once"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_once ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_once"><?php echo t('rectype-long: once') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_daily ?>" id="record_daily"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_daily ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_daily"><?php echo t('rectype-long: daily') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_weekly ?>" id="record_weekly"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_weekly ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_weekly"><?php echo t('rectype-long: weekly') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_findone ?>" id="record_findone"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_findone ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_findone"><?php echo t('rectype-long: findone') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_finddaily ?>" id="record_finddaily"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_finddaily ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_finddaily"><?php echo t('rectype-long: finddaily') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_findweekly ?>" id="record_findweekly"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_findweekly ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_findweekly"><?php echo t('rectype-long: findweekly') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_channel ?>" id="record_channel"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_channel ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_channel"><?php echo t('rectype-long: channel', $channel->callsign) ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_always ?>" id="record_always"<?php
echo $schedule->type == rectype_always ? ' CHECKED' : '' ?> />
<label for="record_always"><?php echo t('rectype-long: always') ?></label></li>
if ($schedule && $schedule->type != rectype_once && ($schedule->search || $schedule->type)) {
<div class="x-options">
<h3><?php echo t('Schedule Override') ?>:</h3>
<?php if ($schedule->type == rectype_override || $schedule->type == rectype_dontrec) { ?>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="0" id="schedule_default"<?php
if ($schedule->type != rectype_override && $schedule->type != rectype_dontrec) echo ' CHECKED' ?> />
<label for="schedule_default"><?php
echo t('Schedule normally.') ?></label></li>
<?php } ?>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_override ?>" id="record_override"<?php
if ($schedule->type == rectype_override) echo ' CHECKED' ?> />
<label for="record_override"><?php
echo t('rectype-long: override') ?></label></li>
<li><input type="radio" class="radio" name="record" value="<?php echo rectype_dontrec ?>" id="record_dontrec"<?php
if ($schedule->type == rectype_dontrec) echo ' CHECKED' ?> />
<label for="record_dontrec"><?php
echo t('rectype-long: dontrec') ?></label></li>
<?php } ?>
<div class="x-options">
<?php require_once tmpl_dir.'_advanced_options.php' ?>
<div id="x-schedule_submit">
<input type="submit" class="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo t('Update Recording Settings') ?>">
if ($program && $program->filename) {
<div id="x-downloads">
<div class="x-pixmap">
<?php if (setting('WebFLV_on')) { ?>
<?php if (file_exists('js/libs/flowplayer/flowplayer.swf')) { ?>
<!-- this A tag is where your Flowplayer will be placed. it can be anywhere -->
<a href=""
style="display:block;width:<?php echo $flv_w ?>px;height:<?php echo $flv_h ?>px"
<!-- this will install flowplayer inside previous A- tag. -->
"<?php echo root_url ?>js/libs/flowplayer/flowplayer.swf", {
playlist: [
// this first PNG clip works as a splash image
url: '<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,0) ?>',
scaling: 'orig'
// Then we have the video
provider: "pseudo",
url: "<?php echo video_url($program, 'flv'); ?>",
duration: <?php echo $program->length ?>,
autoPlay: false,
scaling: 'fit',
// Would be nice to auto-buffer, but we don't want to
// waste bandwidth and CPU on the remote machine.
autoBuffering: true
plugins: {
pseudo: {
url: "flowplayer.mythpseudostreaming.swf"
<?php } elseif (file_exists('modules/tv/MFPlayer.swf')) { ?>
<script langfuage="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// Version check for the Flash Player that has the ability to start Player Product Install (6.0r65)
var hasProductInstall = DetectFlashVer(6, 0, 65);
// Version check based upon the values defined in globals
var hasRequestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
// Check to see if a player with Flash Product Install is available and the version does not meet the requirements for playback
if ( hasProductInstall && !hasRequestedVersion ) {
// MMdoctitle is the stored document.title value used by
// the installation process to close the window that
// started the process. This is necessary in order to
// close browser windows that are still utilizing the
// older version of the player after installation has
// completed
// Location visited after installation is complete if
// installation is required
var MMPlayerType = (isIE == true) ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn";
var MMredirectURL = window.location;
var MMdoctitle = document.title;
document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47)
+" - Flash Player Installation";
"src", "playerProductInstall",
"FlashVars", "MMredirectURL="+MMredirectURL
"width", "<?php echo $flv_w ?>",
"height", "<?php echo $flv_h ?>",
"align", "middle",
"id", "MFPlayer",
"quality", "high",
"bgcolor", "#869ca7",
"name", "MFPlayer",
"movie", "<?php echo root_url; ?>tv/playerProductInstall",
"type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
"pluginspage", ""
} else if (hasRequestedVersion) {
// If we've detected an acceptable version, embed
// the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed
"src", "MFPlayer",
"width", "<?php echo $flv_w ?>",
"height", "<?php echo $flv_h ?>",
"align", "middle",
"id", "MFPlayer",
"quality", "high",
"bgcolor", "#869ca7",
"name", "MFPlayer",
"flashvars",'file=<?php echo video_url($program, 'flv');
?>&still=<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,$flv_h);
?>&totalTime=<?php echo $program->length;
?>&width=<?php echo $flv_w;
?>&height=<?php echo $flv_h;
?>&styles=<?php echo root_url ?>tv/MFPlayer_styles.swf',
"allowFullScreen", "true",
"movie", "<?php echo root_url; ?>tv/MFPlayer",
"type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
"pluginspage", ""
} else { // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
document.write('<img src="<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,0) ?>"'
+' width="<?php echo $flv_w ?>"><br>'
+'Web-based video playback requires the '
+'<a href=>Adobe Flash Player</a>.'
// -->
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="MFPlayer" width="<?php echo $flv_w ?>" height="<?php echo $flv_h ?>"
<param name="movie" value="<?php echo root_url; ?>tv/MFPlayer.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
<param name="FlashVars" value="file=<?php echo video_url($program, 'flv');
?>&still=<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,$flv_h);
?>&totalTime=<?php echo $program->length;
?>&width=<?php echo $flv_w;
?>&height=<?php echo $flv_h;
?>&styles=<?php echo root_url ?>tv/MFPlayer_styles.swf"
<embed src="<?php echo root_url; ?>tv/MFPlayer.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#869ca7"
width="<?php echo $flv_w ?>" height="<?php echo $flv_h ?>" name="MFPlayer" align="middle"
FlashVars="file=<?php echo video_url($program, 'flv');
?>&still=<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,0);
?>&totalTime=<?php echo $program->length;
?>&width=<?php echo $flv_w;
?>&height=<?php echo $flv_h;
?>&styles=<?php echo root_url ?>tv/MFPlayer_styles.swf"
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $program->url ?>" title="<?php echo t('Direct Download') ?>"
><img src="<?php echo $program->thumb_url($flv_w,0) ?>" width="<?php echo $flv_w ?>"></a>
<?php } ?></td>
<div class="x-links">
<a href="<?php echo video_url($program, 'asx') ?>" title="<?php echo t('ASX Stream') ?>"
><img src="<?php echo skin_url ?>/img/play_sm.png">
<?php echo t('ASX Stream') ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $program->url ?>" title="<?php echo t('Direct Download') ?>"
><img src="<?php echo skin_url ?>/img/video_sm.png">
<?php echo t('Direct Download') ?></a>
<?php if (setting('WebFLV_on') && file_exists('modules/tv/MFPlayer.swf')) { ?>
<a onclick="openFlashPlayerInNewWindow(); return false;" title="<?php echo t('Pop-out player'); ?>">
<?php echo t('Pop-out player'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="x-jobs">
if (count($program->jobs_possible)) {
echo t('Queue a job'), ':',
' <ul class="x-queue">';
foreach ($program->jobs_possible as $id => $job) {
echo ' <li>',
'<a href="',
root_url, 'tv/detail/', $program->chanid, '/', $program->recstartts,
'?job=', $id,
'">', $job, "</a></li>";
echo ' </ul>';
if (count($program->jobs['queue'])) {
echo t('Queued jobs'), ':',
' <ul class="-queued">';
foreach ($program->jobs['queue'] as $job) {
echo ' <li>',
' (', $Job_Status[$job['status']],
': ', strftime($_SESSION['date_listing_key'], $job['statustime']),
echo ' </ul>';
if (count($program->jobs['done'])) {
echo t('Recently completed jobs'), ':',
' <ul class="-done">';
foreach ($program->jobs['done'] as $job) {
echo ' <li>',
' (', $Job_Status[$job['status']],
': ', strftime($_SESSION['date_listing_key'], $job['statustime']),
echo ' </ul>';
$frontends = MythFrontend::findFrontends();
if (is_array($frontends)) {
echo '<div class="x-frontends">'.t('Play Recording on Frontend').':<ul>';
foreach ($frontends as $frontend)
echo '<li><a onclick="watchShow(\''.urlencode($frontend->getHost()).'\', \''.urlencode($program->chanid).'\', \''.urlencode($program->recstartts).'\');">'.$frontend->getHost().'</a><br>';
echo '</ul></div>';
// Print the page footer
require 'modules/_shared/tmpl/'.tmpl.'/footer.php';
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