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Manak Upadhyay manakupadhyay

On vacation
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PurpleBooth /
Last active June 20, 2024 01:55
A template to make good

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Evaluation Of postfix Expression in C++
Input Postfix expression must be in a desired format.
Operands must be integers and there should be space in between two operands.
Only '+' , '-' , '*' and '/' operators are expected.
mycodeschool / DoublyLinkedList.c
Created November 12, 2013 11:38
Doubly Linked List implementation in C
/* Doubly Linked List implementation */
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* prev;
mycodeschool / BalancedParentheses.cpp
Created October 29, 2013 00:49
C++ Program to check for balanced parentheses in an expression using stack.
C++ Program to check for balanced parentheses in an expression using stack.
Given an expression as string comprising of opening and closing characters
of parentheses - (), curly braces - {} and square brackets - [], we need to
check whether symbols are balanced or not.
using namespace std;
mycodeschool / Stack_ArrayImplementation_OOP.cpp
Created October 8, 2013 02:44
An object oriented implementation of stack using arrays in C++.
// Stack - Object oriented implementation using arrays
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 101
class Stack
int A[MAX_SIZE]; // array to store the stack
int top; // variable to mark the top index of stack.