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Last active August 11, 2020 17:06
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My utility functions.
const convertSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds = (secs) => new Date(secs * 1000).toISOString().substring(14, 19)
* Given a 'string date,' get the age in years.
* @param {string} d - 'string date' like from 'date input'
* @returns {number}
function getAgeFromDate(d) {
return Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(d)) * 3.17098e-11));
* Given a full directory and file path, split this into the directory path and file name
* @param {string} fullPath
* @returns {Array[string]} - First element is the directory path and other is file name
export const fileDirSplit = (fullPath) => {
const pathStrSplit = fullPath.split('/')
const fileName = pathStrSplit.pop()
const directoryPath = pathStrSplit.join('/')
return [directoryPath, fileName]
* Given a path to a JSON file, kindly give back JS
* @param files {Array[string]} - File paths relative to execution context
export const getJSFromJSONFiles = (files) => Promise.all( file => JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8'))))
* Convert all 'prices' that might be strings into 'floating numbers'.
* @param arr {Array[Object]} - Each object should have a property 'price'
* @return {Array[Object]} - Any string price has been 'numberified'
export const numberifyPrices = (arr) => => {
// Remove commas if it's a string
el.price = typeof el.price === 'string' ? el.price.replace(/,/g, '') : el.price
el.price = parseFloat(el.price)
return el
// formElements comes from
export const processFormSubmissions = (formElements) => Array.from(formElements)
.filter(({ id }) => id)
(submissionDeets, currentEl) => {
submissionDeets[] = currentEl.value
return submissionDeets
export const removeDuplicates = (arr) => [ Set(arr)]
export const textifyHTML = (html) =>
.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '')
.replace(/&nbsp;/gi, '')
.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ' ')
.split(' ')
.filter((str) => str.length)
.join(' ')
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