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Created August 6, 2013 20:20
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This is just a quick little study I did on merge sorting and bubble sorting.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
our $copies = 0;
our $compares = 0;
sub merge_sort {
my ($compare, @input) = @_;
if (scalar(@input) <= 1) {
return @input;
my $mid = int(scalar(@input) / 2);
# SPEED IDEA: Don't make deep copies
my @left = merge_sort($compare, @input[0..$mid-1]);
my @right = merge_sort($compare, @input[$mid..scalar(@input)-1]);
return merge($compare, \@left, \@right);
sub merge {
my ($compare, $left, $right) = @_;
my @merged = ();
my ($l, $r) = (0,0);
# First run: try shifting off.
# Speed-up ideas: iterate through the array rather than shifting
while (scalar(@$left) > 0 && scalar(@$right) > 0) {
if ($compare->($left->[0], $right->[0]) < 0) {
$copies += 1;
push(@merged, shift(@$left));
} else {
$copies += 1;
push(@merged, shift(@$right));
# Finished, add the rest of it to the merged list.
push(@merged, @$left, @$right);
return @merged;
my $compare = sub {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
$compares += 1;
return $a cmp $b;
sub bubble_sort {
my ($compare, @input) = @_;
my ($x,$y) = (0,0);
my @sorted = (@input);
my $keep = undef;
my $swapped = 0;
do {
$swapped = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < scalar(@input) - 1; $x += 1) {
if ($compare->($input[$x], $input[$x+1]) < 0) {
$swapped += 1;
$copies += 1;
$keep = $input[$x];
$input[$x] = $input[$x+1];
$input[$x+1] = $keep;
} while ($swapped != 0);
return @sorted;
my @in = split(m//, shift(@ARGV));
my @out = merge_sort($compare, @in);
print "Your input.... ".join("", @in)."\n";
print "Your output... ".join("", @out)."\n";
print "Only $compares comparisons and $copies copies, n = ".scalar(@in)."\n";
print "BUBBLE\n";
$compares = 0;
$copies = 0;
@out = bubble_sort($compare, @in);
print "Your input.... ".join("", @in)."\n";
print "Your output... ".join("", @out)."\n";
print "Only $compares comparisons and $copies copies, n = ".scalar(@in)."\n";
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