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Created August 15, 2013 03:47
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A quick demo of a circular buffer in Perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Readonly;
Readonly our $LIST_SIZE_LIMIT => 10_000;
package Circle;
sub new {
my ($pkg, $size) = @_;
if ($size > $LIST_SIZE_LIMIT) {
die "Sorry, $LIST_SIZE_LIMIT is the limit of entries in the list.";
my $self = {
elements => [],
oldest => 0,
youngest => 0,
limit => $size,
$self->{elements}->[$size-1] = undef; # Grow the array
return bless($self, $pkg);
sub youngest {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{youngest};
sub oldest {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{oldest};
sub append {
my ($self, $entry) = @_;
die("Cannot append non-Entry") unless ($entry->isa(q{Entry}));
$entry->{epoch} = time();
my $oldest = $self->{oldest};
my $youngest = $self->{youngest};
# Handle empties...
if ($oldest == 0 && $youngest == $oldest && !defined($self->{elements}->[$oldest])) {
$self->{elements}->[$oldest] = $entry;
# Increment otherwise
$oldest = ($oldest >= $self->{limit}-1) ? 0 : $oldest + 1;
my $is_overwrite = defined($self->{elements}->[$oldest]);
$self->{elements}->[$oldest] = $entry;
if ($is_overwrite) {
$self->{youngest} = ($self->{youngest} >= $self->{limit}-1) ? 0 : $self->{youngest} + 1;
$self->{oldest} = $oldest;
sub remove {
my ($self, $count) = @_;
if ($count > $self->{limit}) {
warn "Can't remove more than the limit of ".$self->{limit};
my $x = $self->youngest();
while ($count > 0) {
$self->{elements}->[$x] = undef;
$x = ($x+1 >= $self->{limit}) ? 0 : $x + 1;
$count -= 1;
$self->{youngest} = ($x >= $self->{limit}) ? 0 : $x;
sub entries {
my ($self, $count) = @_;
my $l = ($self->youngest() > $self->oldest()) ? $self->youngest() - $self->{limit} : $self->youngest();
my $r = $self->oldest();
# If you're curious how my slices are calculated, uncomment this.
# print "Printing from L=$l to R=$r\n";
# Yay, a slice!
my @to_return = @{$self->{elements}}[$l .. $r];
return @to_return;
package Entry;
sub new {
my ($pkg, $data) = @_;
my $self = {
epoch => undef, # You didn't say how the timestamp was to be formatted
data => $data,
return bless($self, $pkg);
sub data {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{data};
plan tests => 62;
my $circle = Circle->new(5);
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'first', "Verify we have the data we expected...first");
is($circle->oldest(), 0, 'Verify oldest is 0...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'second', "Verify we have the data we expected...second");
is($circle->oldest(), 1, 'Verify oldest is 1...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'third', "Verify we have the data we expected...third");
is($circle->oldest(), 2, 'Verify oldest is 2...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'fourth', "Verify we have the data we expected...fourth");
is($circle->oldest(), 3, 'Verify oldest is 3...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'fifth', "Verify we have the data we expected...fifth");
is($circle->oldest(), 4, 'Verify oldest is 4...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'sixth', "Verify we have the data we expected...sixth");
is($circle->oldest(), 0, 'Verify oldest is 0...');
is($circle->youngest(), 1, 'Verify youngest is 1...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'seventh', "Verify we have the data we expected...seventh");
is($circle->oldest(), 1, 'Verify oldest is 1...');
is($circle->youngest(), 2, 'Verify youngest is 2...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'eighth', "Verify we have the data we expected...eighth");
is($circle->oldest(), 2, 'Verify oldest is 2...');
is($circle->youngest(), 3, 'Verify youngest is 3...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'ninth', "Verify we have the data we expected...ninth");
is($circle->oldest(), 3, 'Verify oldest is 3...');
is($circle->youngest(), 4, 'Verify youngest is 4...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'tenth', "Verify we have the data we expected...tenth");
is($circle->oldest(), 4, 'Verify oldest is 4...');
is($circle->youngest(), 0, 'Verify youngest is 0...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'eleventh', "Verify we have the data we expected...eleventh");
is($circle->oldest(), 0, 'Verify oldest is 0...');
is($circle->youngest(), 1, 'Verify youngest is 1...');
is($circle->oldest(), 0, 'Verify the oldest is now 1...');
is($circle->youngest(), 3, 'Verify the youngest is now 3...');
is($circle->{elements}->[2], undef, 'Verify we deleted index 2...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'twelfth', "Verify we have the data we expected...twelfth");
is($circle->oldest(), 1, 'Verify oldest is 1...');
is($circle->youngest(), 3, 'Verify youngest is 3...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'thirteenth', "Verify we have the data we expected...thirteenth");
is($circle->oldest(), 2, 'Verify oldest is 2...');
is($circle->youngest(), 3, 'Verify youngest is 3...');
is(scalar(@{$circle->{elements}}), 5, 'Verify we still have five elements');
is($circle->{elements}->[$circle->{oldest}]->{data}, 'fourteenth', "Verify we have the data we expected...fourteenth");
is($circle->oldest(), 3, 'Verify oldest is 3...');
is($circle->youngest(), 4, 'Verify youngest is 4...');
my @entries = $circle->entries();
is(scalar(@entries), 5, 'Verify we got 5 entries...');
is($entries[0]->{data}, 'tenth', 'Verify that the 0th entry is "tenth"...');
is($entries[4]->{data}, 'fourteenth', 'Verify that the 0th entry is "fourteenth"...');
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