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Created August 22, 2013 15:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, getopt, csv, pprint
from pymongo import MongoClient
global_mongo = None
global_db = None
global_coll = None
def usage(msg):
if msg != None:
print '\nError: {msg}'.format(msg=msg)
print '\nUsage: {arg0} [options]\n'.format(arg0=sys.argv[0])
print ' Options:\n'
print ' -h ......................... Display this help message\n'
print ' -f|--file=CSVFILE .......... The CSV file to load\n'
print ' -m|--mongo=MONGOINSTANCE ... The mongo instance to load the file into\n'
def add_record_to_mongo(mongo, record):
global global_mongo
global global_db
global global_coll
mongo_bits = mongo.split('.')
mongo_db = mongo_bits[0]
mongo_coll = mongo_bits[1]
print 'Load a record!\n'
if global_mongo == None: global_mongo = MongoClient()
if global_db == None: global_db = global_mongo[mongo_db]
if global_coll == None: global_coll = global_db[mongo_coll]
# Now let's insert
print 'DB: {db} and COLL: {coll}'.format(db=global_db,coll=global_coll)
def run_csv_file(csvfile, mongo):
print 'Gonna load the CSV file "{csvfile}" into mongodb "{mongo}"\n'.format(csvfile=csvfile, mongo=mongo)
with open(csvfile,'rb') as incsv:
parsed = csv.DictReader(incsv, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for record in parsed:
add_record_to_mongo(mongo, record)
def main(argv):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hf:m:',['file=','mongo='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for one, arg in opts:
if one == '-h':
elif one in ('-f','--file'):
csvfile = arg
elif one in ('-m','--mongo'):
mongo = arg
if csvfile == None: usage('Missing CSV file')
if mongo == None: usage('Missing mongo')
run_csv_file(csvfile, mongo)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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There is a problem: first column name imported with strange error: in Robomongo i cannot find for first field. After 1 hour investigation i found, that when i view imported document the name of first field comes with small character at the beginning (i cannot even copy it, looks like ' in brand name "L'Oreal") and space at the end of fileldname.
I was not able to fix that, so i added a column at first place with empty data - this allows me to protect actual fieldnames fron error.

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