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Created July 8, 2021 22:54
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This is just a browser friendly version of
const nGram = function(n) {
if (
typeof n !== 'number' ||
Number.isNaN(n) ||
n < 1 ||
) {
throw new Error('`' + n + '` is not a valid argument for `n-gram`')
return grams
* Create n-grams from a given value.
* @template {string|string[]} T
* @param {T} [value]
* @returns {T[]}
function grams(value) {
/** @type {T[]} */
var nGrams = []
/** @type {number} */
var index
/** @type {string|string[]} */
var source
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return nGrams
source = value.slice ? value : String(value)
index = source.length - n + 1
if (index < 1) {
return nGrams
while (index--) {
// @ts-ignore
nGrams[index] = source.slice(index, index + n)
return nGrams
const bigram = nGram(2);
const trigram = nGram(3);
* Two blank spaces are added at the beginning, and one at the end,
* and single spaces are replaced by double ones.
* @param {string} input
* @returns {string}
const convertString = (input = '') => {
if (!input.trim()) return '';
return ` ${input
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // replace multiple spaces w/ single spaces
.replace(/\s/g, ' ')} ` // replace single spaces w/ double spaces
* Sorting them, and taking out repetitions (via Set)
* @param {string} input
* @returns {string}
const generateTrigram = (input = '') => [ Set(trigram(convertString(input))
.filter((trigramItem) => !/^[\p{Letter}\p{Mark}0-9]\s\s$/giu.test(trigramItem)))];
* Calculate trigram similarity between 2 strings
* @param {string} input1
* @param {string} input2
* @returns {number}
const trigramSimilarity = (input1 = '', input2 = '') => {
const trigrams1 = generateTrigram(input1);
const trigrams2 = generateTrigram(input2);
// Total trigrams
const total = [ Set([...trigrams1, ...trigrams2])];
// Trigrams both have in common
const common = [];
trigrams1.forEach((trigramItem) => {
if (trigrams2.includes(trigramItem)) common.push(trigramItem);
return (total.length === 0)
? 0
: common.length / total.length;
console.log(trigramSimilarity('Chateau blanc', 'chateau cheval blanc')); // 0.7368421052631579
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