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Last active February 18, 2020 17:16
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  • Save manciuszz/9115585c6c1d2fbfa486d8a5e1f28482 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save manciuszz/9115585c6c1d2fbfa486d8a5e1f28482 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MSI GS70 Stealth Keyboard Temp Fix.ahk - These notebooks seem to have a really stupid design fault that damages the keyboard flex cable (Source: So, because I couldn't be arsed to fix the hardware - I went the software route. This AutoHotKey script will allow users to use those broken keys by c…
#KeyHistory 0
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SendMode Input
class AppConfig {
; ū Ū č Č
static symbols := ["u", ["U+010D", "U+010C"], ["U+016B", "U+016A"], "?", "@"]
; Intervals in milliseconds
static timeOut := 400
static suspenderRefreshInterval := 1000
static upMethodCombo := "LSHIFT & SPACE"
static downMethodCombo := "LCTRL & SPACE"
static upMethodComboArr := StrSplit(AppConfig.upMethodCombo, " & ")
static downMethodComboArr := StrSplit(AppConfig.downMethodCombo, " & ")
class App {
static _ := App := new App()
__Init() {
this.symbols := AppConfig.symbols
this.processes := [
"ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe"
"ahk_exe client.exe"
__New() {
; this._runAsAdmin()
this.keyScroller := new App.KeyScroller(this) ;.toggleTimer(ObjBindMethod(this, "__suspender"), AppConfig.suspenderRefreshInterval)
_hooks() {
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, A_ScriptHwnd)
OnMessage(DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK"), ObjBindMethod(this, "_shellMessage"))
_runAsAdmin() {
if not A_IsAdmin {
Run % "*RunAs " A_ScriptFullPath
__suspender() {
Suspend, % (this._checkProcesses() ? "On" : "Off")
_shellMessage( wParam, lParam ) {
if (wParam = 32772 || wParam = 4) {
_checkProcesses() {
for index, exeProcess in this.processes
if (WinActive(exeProcess))
return true
return false
bindKeys() {
upMethod := ObjBindMethod(this.keyScroller, "up")
downMethod := ObjBindMethod(this.keyScroller, "down")
resetMethod := ObjBindMethod(this.keyScroller, "reset")
Loop, 26 {
Hotkey, % "~*"Chr(A_Index + 96), % resetMethod
Hotkey, ~*BACKSPACE, % resetMethod
Hotkey, ~*DELETE, % resetMethod
Hotkey, ~*SPACE, % resetMethod
Hotkey, % AppConfig.upMethodCombo, % upMethod
Hotkey, % AppConfig.downMethodCombo, % downMethod
class KeyScroller {
__Init() {
this.currentIndex := 0
this.timeout := AppConfig.timeOut
__New(parentInstance) {
this.parent := parentInstance
this.symbolCount := this.parent.symbols.MaxIndex()
this.timerFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "reset")
up() {
if (this.currentIndex == 0) {
this.currentIndex := 1
} else if (this.currentIndex == 1) {
this.currentIndex := this.symbolCount
} else {
this.currentIndex := this.currentIndex - 1
down() {
if (this.currentIndex > this.symbolCount - 1) {
this.currentIndex := 0
} else {
this.currentIndex := this.currentIndex + 1
reset() {
this.currentIndex := 0
this.toggleTimer(this.timerFunc, "Off")
toggleTimer(timerFunc, state) {
SetTimer, % timerFunc, % state
return this
backspace(offset := 0) {
; MsgBox % this.currentIndex - offset
if (this.currentIndex - offset > 0)
keysAreHeld() { ; Note: KeyWait was too slow (for my liking)...
keyState := 0
Loop {
spaceState := GetKeyState(AppConfig.upMethodComboArr.2, "P")
if (!keyState && spaceState && ( GetKeyState(AppConfig.upMethodComboArr.1, "P") || GetKeyState(AppConfig.downMethodComboArr.1, "P") )) {
keyState := A_TickCount
} else if (!spaceState) {
Sleep -1
return (A_TickCount - keyState)
sendSymbol() {
symbolToSend := this.parent.symbols[ this.currentIndex ]
lowerCaseSymbol := (symbolToSend.MaxIndex() > 0 ? symbolToSend.1 : symbolToSend)
Send, {%lowerCaseSymbol%}
if (GetKeyState("Capslock", "T") || this.keysAreHeld() > this.timeout - 100) {
upperCaseSymbol := (symbolToSend.MaxIndex() > 0 ? symbolToSend.2 : symbolToSend)
Send, +{%upperCaseSymbol%}
this.toggleTimer(this.timerFunc, this.timeout)
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MSI GS70 Stealth Keyboard Temp Fix.ahk - These notebooks seem to have a really stupid design fault that damages the keyboard flex cable (Source: So, because I couldn't be arsed to fix the hardware - I went the software route. This AutoHotKey script will allow users to use those broken keys by cycling through them via LShift + Space or LCtrl + Space key combos.

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