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Last active February 21, 2019 23:58
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  • Save manciuszz/c88dad5ff44cd171b8ee2c193251285f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save manciuszz/c88dad5ff44cd171b8ee2c193251285f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Does not being able to read manga on just by using your keyboard bother you? Well this quick script will fix that by enabling to change chapters by using keyboard left and right arrow keys while enabling support for W/S scrolling for the left handed people.
// ==UserScript==
// @name KissManga Quick Enhancements
// @author Manciuszz
// @version 0.1
// @match *://*/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
let scrollTo = function(to, duration) { // Credits to for this one.
let element = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement,
start = element.scrollTop,
change = to - start,
startDate = +new Date(),
easeInOutQuad = function(t, b, c, d) {
t /= d/2;
if (t < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;
return -c/2 * (t*(t-2) - 1) + b;
animateScroll = function() {
const currentDate = +new Date();
const currentTime = currentDate - startDate;
element.scrollTop = parseInt(easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration));
if (currentTime < duration) {
} else {
element.scrollTop = to;
let scrollIncrementor = function(direction = 1, step = 100) {
return window.scrollY + step * direction;
$(document).on('keydown', function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 37) { // LEFT
window.location.href = $("img.btnPrevious").parent('a').get(0).href;
} else if (evt.keyCode === 39) { // RIGHT
window.location.href = $("img.btnNext").parent('a').get(0).href;
} else if (evt.keyCode === 87) { // W
scrollTo(scrollIncrementor(-1, 200), 100);
} else if (evt.keyCode === 83) { // S
scrollTo(scrollIncrementor(1, 200), 100);
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