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Created December 12, 2019 17:25
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An AutoHotKey script that allows fast window moving/resizing/minimizing/maximizing via mouse keys Mouse5/Mouse4/Wheeldown/WheelUp
#SingleInstance force
#KeyHistory 500
ListLines Off
SetKeyDelay,-1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
CoordMode, Mouse
class WindowHelper {
static _ := WindowHelper := new WindowHelper()
static windowStack := []
static activeWindowID := ""
__Init() {
Menu, Tray, Icon, imageres.dll, 262
MoveWindow() {
pressedKey := this.Utilities.getPressedHotkey()
initialMousePosition := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow()
this.activeWindowID :=
if (this.Utilities.isWindowMaximized(this.activeWindowID))
currentWindowPosition := this.Utilities.getWindowPosition(this.activeWindowID)
while(GetKeyState(pressedKey, "P")) {
currentMousePos := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow()
currentMousePos.x -= initialMousePosition.x
currentMousePos.y -= initialMousePosition.y
x := (currentWindowPosition.x + currentMousePos.x) ; Apply this offset to the window position.
y := (currentWindowPosition.y + currentMousePos.y)
this.Utilities.moveWindow(this.activeWindowID, x, y)
ResizeWindow() {
pressedKey := this.Utilities.getPressedHotkey()
initialMousePosition := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow()
this.activeWindowID :=
if (this.Utilities.isWindowMaximized(this.activeWindowID))
currentWindowPosition := this.Utilities.getWindowPosition(this.activeWindowID)
winLeft := initialMousePosition.x < (currentWindowPosition.x + currentWindowPosition.w / 2) ? 1 : -1
winUp := initialMousePosition.y < (currentWindowPosition.y + currentWindowPosition.h / 2) ? 1 : -1
while(GetKeyState(pressedKey, "P")) {
currentMousePos := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow()
currentWindowPosition := this.Utilities.getWindowPosition(this.activeWindowID)
currentMousePos.x -= initialMousePosition.x
currentMousePos.y -= initialMousePosition.y
x := currentWindowPosition.x + (winLeft + 1) / 2 * currentMousePos.x
y := currentWindowPosition.y + (winUp + 1) / 2 * currentMousePos.y
w := currentWindowPosition.w - winLeft * currentMousePos.x
h := currentWindowPosition.h - winUp * currentMousePos.y
this.Utilities.moveWindow(this.activeWindowID, x, y, w, h)
initialMousePosition.x += currentMousePos.x
initialMousePosition.y += currentMousePos.y
MinimizeWindow() {
this.activeWindowID := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow().id
RestoreWindow() {
lastMinimizedWindow := this.windowStack.Pop()
if (!lastMinimizedWindow)
lastMinimizedWindow := this.Utilities.getMousePositionInsideWindow().id
class Utilities {
getPressedHotkey() {
RegExMatch(A_ThisHotkey, "\w+", pressedKey)
return pressedKey
getMousePositionInsideWindow() {
MouseGetPos, x, y, winID
return { x: x, y: y, id: "ahk_id " . winID }
getWindowPosition(winID) {
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, % winID
return { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h }
moveWindow(winID, x, y, w := "", h := "") {
WinMove, % winID,, % x, % y, % w, % h
isWindowMaximized(winID) {
WinGet, windowState, MinMax, % winID
return windowState
minimizeWindow(winID) {
PostMessage,0x112,0xf020,,, % winID
restoreWindow(winID) {
if this.isWindowMaximized(winID)
WinRestore, % winID
WinMaximize, % winID
closeWindow(winID) {
WinClose, % winID
#If WinActive("ahk_exe notepad++.exe")
^R:: Reload
!XButton2:: WindowHelper.MoveWindow()
!XButton1:: WindowHelper.ResizeWindow()
!WheelUp:: WindowHelper.RestoreWindow()
!WheelDown:: WindowHelper.MinimizeWindow()
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