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Last active April 24, 2019 23:10
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  • Save manciuszz/eef680b89bfe04e6c293b88cb3b10d08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save manciuszz/eef680b89bfe04e6c293b88cb3b10d08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unloop The Tube. Tired of YouTube autoplay suggested videos being stuck on loop? Well look no further, because this neat little script will make sure that your next autoplay video will never be the same! (...literally)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Unloop The Tube.
// @author Manciuszz
// @version 1.01
// @match*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==
(function(window) {
'use strict';
let getCurrentVideoId = function() {
return location.href.replace(/.*v=(.*)&?.*/g, "$1");
let fetchYTData = function(callbackFn) {
if (typeof callbackFn === "function") {
fetch(`${getCurrentVideoId()}&pbj=1`, {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
}).then(res => res.json()).then(myJson => callbackFn(myJson));
class VideoState {
constructor(ytData) {
if (typeof ytData === "undefined")
return console.log("Failed to get 'ytData'!");
this.ytData = ytData;
unloopTheTube() {
if (this.nextVideoDetails.wasAlreadySeen) {
markCurrentlyWatchingAsSeen() {[this.currentVideoDetails.videoId] = this.currentVideoDetails.title;
selectNotSeenVideo(idx = 0) {
let videos = this.suggestedUnseenVideos || [];
if (videos.length > 0) {
get suggestedVideos() {
return this.ytData[3].response.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults.secondaryResults.results;
get suggestedUnseenVideos() {
let videos = this.suggestedVideos;
let filterUnseen = function() {
let unseenVideos = [];
videos.forEach((v, i) => {
let videoObject = Object.values(v)[0];
if ("contents" in videoObject)
videoObject = Object.values(videoObject.contents[0])[0];
if (!("playlistId" in videoObject) && ("lengthText" in videoObject)) {
if (!videoObject.navigationEndpoint.watchEndpoint.startTimeSeconds) {
if (videoObject.thumbnailOverlays.length < 3)
return unseenVideos;
return filterUnseen();
get currentVideoDetails() {
return {
title: document.querySelector("#container > .title").textContent,
videoId: getCurrentVideoId()
get nextVideoDetails() {
let autoplayVideo = this.suggestedVideos[0].compactAutoplayRenderer.contents[0].compactVideoRenderer;
return {
wasAlreadySeen: !![autoplayVideo.videoId] || autoplayVideo.navigationEndpoint.watchEndpoint.startTimeSeconds > 0 || autoplayVideo.thumbnailOverlays.length > 2,
get metadataMethods() {
let nextButton = document.querySelector(".ytp-next-button");
return {
set videoEndpoint(href) {
let newHref = () => { location.href = href; };
nextButton.href = href;
nextButton.onclick = newHref;
document.querySelector(".video-stream.html5-main-video").onended = newHref;
change(videoElement, newMetadata) {
let img = videoElement.querySelector("img");
let header = videoElement.querySelector("h3");
let overlays = videoElement.querySelector("#overlays");
let links = videoElement.querySelectorAll("a")
if (nextButton) {
nextButton.dataset.preview = newMetadata.preview;
nextButton.dataset.duration = newMetadata.duration;
nextButton.dataset.tooltipText = newMetadata.tooltipText;
if (img) img.src = newMetadata.preview;
if (header) header.textContent = newMetadata.tooltipText;
if (overlays) {
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { // TODO: Might want to change this into somethign better?
(function(resumeBar, thumbnail) {
if (resumeBar) resumeBar.remove();
if (thumbnail) thumbnail.textContent = newMetadata.duration;
})(overlays.querySelector("ytd-thumbnail-overlay-resume-playback-renderer"), overlays.querySelector("ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer"));
}).observe(overlays, { childList: true });
if (links.length) {
links.forEach( (a) => {
a.href = newMetadata.newURL;
updateWith(selectedNewVideo) {
let newURL = `${selectedNewVideo.videoId}`;
this.videoEndpoint = newURL;
let autoplayRenderer = document.querySelector("ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer ytd-compact-video-renderer");
if (autoplayRenderer) {
this.change(autoplayRenderer, {
preview: selectedNewVideo.thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url,
duration: selectedNewVideo.lengthText.simpleText,
tooltipText: selectedNewVideo.title.simpleText,
newURL: newURL
get storage() {
let seenVideos_key = "unloop_yt::seenVideos";
if (!this._seenVideos)
this._seenVideos = JSON.parse((function(storageItem) { return ({[storageItem]: storageItem, "undefined": undefined})[storageItem]; })(localStorage.getItem(seenVideos_key)) || "{}") || {};
return {
seenVideos: this._seenVideos,
saveVideos() {
localStorage.setItem(seenVideos_key, JSON.stringify(this.seenVideos));
clearVideos() {
window.onload = function() {
let unloopTheTube = function() {
if (location.pathname != "/watch")
fetchYTData(ytData => new VideoState(ytData).unloopTheTube());
window.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", unloopTheTube);
window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = unloopTheTube();
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