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Last active April 26, 2017 23:42
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SSH Tunnels
Q: How to provide Internet access to servers restricted via firewall rules?
A: Use SSH Tunnel and iptables
Create SSH tunnel to remote host
ssh -R9000: <username>@<remote_server>
This command will listen port 9000 on remote machine (ssh server) and forward all packets via ssh tunnel to port 1025 on client machine (ssh client).
So the tunnel is done, but we need to make traffic pipeline. Let's configure our remote server which is located in well protected intranet. We need to forward all HTTP (or any other?) traffic on originated on remote server to the SSH tunnel. There are several ways to do this:
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
Add your source to the rule and tailor it according your needs. Probably you'll want forward certain destination ports. Bad news that you need ROOT access
export http_proxy=
That's nice if you are working with console applications, which pick environment variables. No need to have sudo or root.
We done with remote server, let's make backend on local server (which is our internet gateway). On backend we need to accept connections on 1025 and forward or NAT them to other network. I assume that you know what the docker is and what you are doing.
Let's make work dir
mkdir nginx_docker && cd nginx_docker
Make config file for nginx. It will work in transparent proxy mode, thus we assume that docker network is configured correctly and docker container will have access to Internet
vi default.conf
i # remove if you are not lazy copypaster or know how vi works
server {
access_log off;
listen *:1025;
location / {
proxy_pass $scheme://$http_host$uri$is_args$args;
proxy_buffers 256 4k;
proxy_max_temp_file_size 0k;
vi Dockerfile
i # remove if you are not lazy copypaster or know how vi works
FROM nginx
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
COPY default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
Build docker image
docker build -t my-nginx .
Run docker image
docker run -d -p1025:1025 --name=my-nginx my-nginx
Check docker image
docker ps | grep my-haproxy
Check that tunnel
ssh -R9000: <user>@<server> "curl -s --proxy"
This solution works only for HTTP, for https exist another option with MITM proxy. Run it on ssh server
for interactive mode:
docker run --rm -it --name=mitm -p 8080:8080 mitmproxy/mitmproxy
for daemon mode:
docker run -d --name=mitm -p 8080:8080 mitmproxy/mitmproxy
Port may be adjusted according your needs
for example:
docker run -d --name=mitm -p 8080:8080 mitmproxy/mitmproxy
ssh -R9000: <user>@<server> "curl --insecure -s --proxy"
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