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Created November 6, 2019 21:26
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Updating Pilot variables with GKE-add-on
Updating pilot envvars is not possible with istio-on-gke add-on because of the reconciliation loop.
The following steps can update pilot environment variables.
1. Create a config map with the delegation script
kubectl -n istio-system apply -f
The script unsets PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY env var.
2. Update istio-pilot deployment to use this delegation start script: called
kubectl -n istio-system edit deployment istio-pilot
a. find pilot discovery container "args" and add "command" key at the same level as "args"
Look for "--keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge"
``` yaml
- args:
- discovery
- --monitoringAddr=:15014
- --log_output_level=default:info
- --domain
- cluster.local
- --secureGrpcAddr
- ""
- --keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge
- 30m
- /script/
3. Add VolumeMount in the discovery container. Note that "/script" was added here
- mountPath: /script
name: script
- mountPath: /etc/istio/config
name: config-volume
- mountPath: /etc/certs
name: istio-certs
readOnly: true
4. Add Volume to the pods. Note name==script was added here with default mode 484.
- configMap:
defaultMode: 484
name: script
name: script
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: istio
name: config-volume
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