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Last active March 26, 2020 23:28
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Options;
namespace TestCommandSet {
public enum TemplateType {
class MainClass {
public static int Main (string [] args)
// create the root command, this will use the platform specific commands to do the right thing.
var commands = new CommandSet ("xharness");
// add the command sets per platform, each will have the same verbs but diff implemenation.
commands.Add (new iOSCommandSet ());
commands.Add (new AndroidCommandSet ());
// add shared commands, for example, help and so on. --version, --help, --verbosity and so on
return commands.Run (args);
class MyHelp : HelpCommand {
public override int Invoke (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
var s = Options.Parse (arguments);
Console.WriteLine (string.Join (" ", s));
return base.Invoke (arguments);
class iOSCommandSet : CommandSet {
public iOSCommandSet () : base ("ios") {
Add (new PackageCommand ());
Add (new HelpCommand ());
class PackageCommand : Command {
// working directories
string workingDirectory;
// will be used as the output dir of the generated projects.
string outputDirectory;
// path that is the root of the .ignore files that will be used to skip tests if needed.
string ignoreFilesRootDirectory;
// path that is the root of the traits txt files that willl be used to skip tests if needed.
string traitsRootDirectory;
string name;
string mtouchExtraArgs;
TemplateType templateType;
bool showHelp = false;
public PackageCommand () : base ("package"){
Options = new OptionSet () {
"usage: ios package [OPTIONS]",
"Packaging command that will create a iOS/tvOS/watcOS or macOS application that can be used to run nunit or xunit based tests dlls.",
{ "name|n=", "The naming of the testing application.", v => name = v},
{ "working-directory=", "The directory that will be used to output to generate all the different projects.", v => workingDirectory = v },
{ "output-directory=", "The directory in which the resulting package will be output.", v => outputDirectory = v},
{ "ignore-directory=", "The root directory that contains all the *.ignore files that will be used to skip tests if needed.", v => ignoreFilesRootDirectory = v },
{ "traits-directory=", "The root director that contains all the .txt files with the traits that will be skipped if needed.", v => traitsRootDirectory = v },
{ "template=", "Indicates which template to use. There are two available ones. Managed, which uses Xamarin.[iOS|Mac] and native. Default is managed.",
v=> {
if (Enum.TryParse<TemplateType>(v, out var template)) {
templateType = template;
} else {
templateType = TemplateType.Managed; // TODO, throw an error.
{ "help|h", "Show this message", v => showHelp = v != null },
{ "mtouch-extraargs=", "Extra arguments to be passed to mtouch.", v => mtouchExtraArgs = v },
public override int Invoke (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
// Deal with unknown options and print nicely. MATT this is what we want to do
var extra = Options.Parse (arguments);
if (showHelp) {
Options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
if (extra.Count > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Unknown {string.Join (" ", extra)}");
Options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
return 0;
class AndroidCommandSet : CommandSet {
public AndroidCommandSet () : base ("android") {
Add (new AndroidTestCommand ());
Add (new HelpCommand ());
class AndroidTestCommand : Command {
string name;
bool showHelp = false;
public AndroidTestCommand () : base ("test")
Options = new OptionSet () {
"usage: android test [OPTIONS]",
"Packaging command that will create a iOS/tvOS/watcOS or macOS application that can be used to run nunit or xunit based tests dlls.",
{ "name|n=", "The naming of the testing application.", v => name = v},
public override int Invoke (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
// Deal with unknown options and print nicely. MATT this is what we want to do
var extra = Options.Parse (arguments);
if (showHelp) {
Options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
if (extra.Count > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Unknown {string.Join (" ", extra)}");
Options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
return 0;
Unknown bar
usage: ios package [OPTIONS]
Packaging command that will create a iOS/tvOS/watcOS or macOS application that
can be used to run nunit or xunit based tests dlls.
--name, -n=VALUE The naming of the testing application.
The directory that will be used to output to
generate all the different projects.
The directory in which the resulting package will
be output.
The root directory that contains all the *.ignore
files that will be used to skip tests if needed.
The root director that contains all the .txt files
with the traits that will be skipped if needed.
--template=VALUE Indicates which template to use. There are two
available ones. Managed, which uses Xamarin.[iOS|
Mac] and native. Default is managed.
--help, -h Show this message
Extra arguments to be passed to mtouch.
Debug mono TestCommandSet.exe android test foo
Unknown foo
usage: android test [OPTIONS]
Packaging command that will create a iOS/tvOS/watcOS or macOS application that
can be used to run nunit or xunit based tests dlls.
--name, -n=VALUE The naming of the testing application.
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