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Created April 11, 2014 18:31
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SPT Drush Cheatsheet
Get files from the dev server
sudo -E rsync --recursive --compress --times --rsh='ssh -l deploy' \ \
/var/www/deploy/current/sites/de.animax/files/ && chown -R vagrant:www-data /var/www/deploy/current/sites/de.animax/files && sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/deploy/current/sites/de.animax/files && find /var/www/deploy/current/sites/de.animax/files -type d -exec sudo chmod 777 -R {} \;
All database commands
drush @de.animax sql-drop -y && drush cc drush && ssh -l chrismontes drush @de.animax sql-dump | drush @de.animax sql-cli && drush @de.animax updb -y && drush @de.animax ucrt root --mail="" --password="rewt" && drush @de.animax urol "super administrator" --name=root && drush @de.animax vset preprocess_css 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset preprocess_js 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset block_cache 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset cache 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset cache_content_flush_cache_block 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset cache_content_flush_cache_page 0 --yes && drush @de.animax vset image_allow_insecure_derivatives 1 --yes && drush @de.animax vset error_level 2 --yes && drush @de.animax dis cdn -y && drush @de.animax dis spt_constant_contact -y && drush @de.animax en theme_swapper -y && drush @de.animax en hero -y && drush @de.animax cc all
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