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Created November 17, 2016 16:41
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Smalltalk implemenation of Algorithm TAOCP by Donald Knuth: Lexicographic Combinations
" Algorithm TAOCP by Donald Knuth: Lexicographic Combinations
This algorithm is like Algorithm L, but faster. It assumes, for convenience, t < n
Return a list of digits from 1 to n taken t at a time, in lexicographic order"
"T1. Initialize"
initializeStep := [
c := Array new: t + 2.
(1 to: t) do: [:j1 | c at: j1 put: (j1-1)].
c at: t + 1 put: n.
c at: t + 2 put: 0.
j := t.
visitStep value
"T2. Visit"
visitStep := [
results add: ((t to: 1 by: -1) collect: [:j1 | c at: j1]).
(j > 0) ifTrue: [
x := j.
increaseCjStep value]
ifFalse: [
easyCaseStep value ]
"T3. Easy case?"
easyCaseStep := [
((c at: 1) + 1 < (c at: 2))
ifTrue: [
c at: 1 put: (c at: 1) + 1.
visitStep value ]
ifFalse: [
j := 2.
findjStep value ]
"T4. Find j"
findjStep := [
c at: (j - 1) put: j - 2.
x := (c at: j) + 1.
(x = (c at: (j + 1))) ifTrue: [
j := j + 1.
findjStep value].
terminateCheckStep value
"T5. Terminate the algorithm if j > t"
terminateCheckStep := [
(j > t) ifTrue: [^results].
increaseCjStep value
"T6. Increase cj"
increaseCjStep := [
c at: j put: x.
j := j - 1.
visitStep value
n := 6.
t := 3.
results := OrderedCollection new.
initializeStep value.
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