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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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# - 8 queens problem
# 2014-02-05 Steven Wart created this file
from sys import stdout
# Print out an 8x8 chessboard showing the positions of the pieces
def draw_board(board):
stdout.write(" ")
for col in range(8):
stdout.write(" %d " % col)
for cell in range(64):
if ((cell % 8) == 0):
stdout.write(" +")
for col in range(8):
stdout.write("%d |" % (cell / 8))
if (board[cell]):
stdout.write(" Q |")
elif is_under_attack(cell, board):
stdout.write(" x |")
stdout.write(" |")
stdout.write(" +")
for col in range(8):
def initialize_rook_moves(board):
rook_moves = [[] for x in range(len(board))]
for target in range(len(board)):
for cell in range(len(board)):
if (target % 8 == cell % 8) or (target / 8 == cell / 8):
return rook_moves
def append_move(col, row, moves):
if row >= 0 and row <= 7 and col >= 0 and col <= 7:
moves.append(row * 8 + col)
def initialize_bishop_moves(board):
bishop_moves = [[] for x in range(len(board))]
for row in range(8):
for col in range(8):
target = col * 8 + row
for neighbor in range(1,8):
append_move(row + neighbor, col - neighbor, bishop_moves[target])
append_move(row - neighbor, col - neighbor, bishop_moves[target])
append_move(row + neighbor, col + neighbor, bishop_moves[target])
append_move(row - neighbor, col + neighbor, bishop_moves[target])
return bishop_moves
def is_under_attack(target, board):
for index in range(len(board)):
if board[index] and (target in rook_moves[index] or target in bishop_moves[index]):
return True
return False
# return the next board position greater than or equal to start
# where the queen can be placed
# if no spaces are available, return -1
def placeQueenAfter(start, board):
for index in range(start, len(board)):
if not board[index] and not is_under_attack(index, board):
return index
return -1
arrangements = 0
# queens - how many queens to place
# board - a list of 64 cells containing True or False indicating the presence of a queen
# Attempt to place the first queen in the list. If this cannot be done, return False
# Then attempt to place the rest of the queens in the list. If those cannot be placed,
# attempt to place the queen at the next candidate position in the board.
# If this fails return False
# Otherwise, return True.
# From
# The problem can be quite computationally expensive as there are 4,426,165,368 (i.e., 64 C 8)
# possible arrangements of eight queens on a 8x8 board, but only 92 solutions.
# It is possible to use shortcuts that reduce computational requirements or rules of thumb but
# that avoids brute-force computational techniques. For example, just by applying a simple rule
# that constrains each queen to a single column (or row), though still considered brute force,
# it is possible to reduce the number of possibilities to just 16,777,216 (that is, 88) possible
# combinations. Generating permutations further reduces the possibilities to just 40,320 (that is, 8!),
# which are then checked for diagonal attacks
# The above heuristic allows the 8 queen solution to be found within a few seconds on a modern PC.
# Otherwise the calculation will not complete for 8 queens in a reasonable time period.
def placeQueens(queens, board, startingAt = 0):
global arrangements
if queens == 1:
arrangements = arrangements + 1
if arrangements % 10000 == 0:
print "Examined %d arrangements" % arrangements
# no queens to place? trivial!
if queens <= 0:
return True
for col in range(8):
# optimization: only examine row number = number of queens to place - 1
row = queens - 1
candidate = row * 8 + col
pos = placeQueenAfter(candidate, board)
if pos >= 0:
board[pos] = True
if placeQueens(queens - 1, board, row * 8):
return True
board[pos] = False
return False
return False
# board keeps track of where the queens are placed
board = [False for x in range(64)]
rook_moves = initialize_rook_moves(board)
bishop_moves = initialize_bishop_moves(board)
placeQueens(8, board)
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