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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Knight's tour puzzle with Warnsdorff's rule heuristic
# - knight's tour puzzle
# 2014-02-06 Steven Wart created this file
from sys import stdout
from math import sqrt
# Print out an 8x8 chessboard showing the positions of the pieces
def draw_board(board):
n = int(sqrt(len(board)))
stdout.write(" ")
for col in range(n):
stdout.write(" %d " % col)
for cell in range(len(board)):
if ((cell % n) == 0):
stdout.write(" +")
for col in range(n):
stdout.write("{0:>2} |".format(cell / n))
# traversal path starts at 1
if (board[cell] > 0):
stdout.write("{0:>3} |".format(board[cell]))
stdout.write(" |")
stdout.write(" +")
for col in range(n):
# Add a set of coordinates to the move list, if it is a valid location
def append_move(row, col, moves, n):
if row >= 0 and row < n and col >= 0 and col < n:
moves.append(row * n + col)
# Make a list of possible destinations for each cell on the board
def initialize_knight_moves(n):
relative_moves = [[-2, -1],[-1, -2],[1, -2],[2, -1],[-2, 1],[-1, 2],[1, 2],[2, 1]]
knight_moves = [[] for x in range(n * n)]
for src in range(n*n):
row = src % n
col = src / n
for rel in relative_moves:
append_move(rel[0]+col, rel[1]+row, knight_moves[src], n)
return knight_moves
# display all possible knight moves for an 8x8 board
def display_knight_moves(knight_moves):
n = 8
for pos in range(n*n):
board = [0 for x in range(n*n)]
board[pos] = 1
for dest in knight_moves[pos]:
board[dest] = 2
# knight_moves = initialize_knight_moves(8)
# for cell in range(len(knight_moves)):
# print cell, knight_moves[cell]
# tour from a starting point to traverse the entire board
# step is the step number of the traversal
# return True if the traversal can complete, False otherwise
def traverse(start, board, step=1, visited=[]):
board[start] = step
if step == len(board):
return True
# Warnsdorff's rule: search the paths with the smallest out-degree first
def sort_key(dest):
return len(knight_moves[dest])
paths = [dest for dest in knight_moves[start] if dest not in visited]
sorted_paths = sorted(paths, key=sort_key)
for dest in sorted_paths:
if not dest in visited:
if traverse(dest, board, step+1, visited):
return True
board[start] = 0
return False
# This works well for n up to 7, but according to's_tour
# A brute-force search for a knight's tour is impractical on all but the smallest boards;
# for example, on an 8x8 board there are approximately 4x10^51 possible move sequences, and
# it is well beyond the capacity of modern computers (or networks of computers) to perform
# operations on such a large set.
# However, by employing Warnsdorff's rule, where we search the paths with the smallest out-degree
# first, the 8x8 tour returns in 0.6 seconds. Without this optimization it ran for over 2 hours
# without returning a result. With this optimization even an 11x11 board can be traversed in
# less than one second. 10x10 is slower, but it finishes in 12.3 seconds
def knights_tour(n):
global knight_moves
knight_moves = initialize_knight_moves(n)
board = [0 for x in range(n*n)]
if not traverse(0, board):
print "No traversal found"
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