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Created November 16, 2016 18:04
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Combinations of n items taken k at a time
"Return a list of all the combinations of a list of tokens taken k items at a time"
| combinations choices |
combinations := [:tokens :k |
(k <= 0) ifTrue: [OrderedCollection new] ifFalse: [
((tokens size == 0) or: [k == tokens size])
ifTrue: [OrderedCollection with: tokens]
ifFalse: [
choices := combinations value: (tokens copyFrom: 2 to: tokens size) value: k-1.
choices := (choices isEmpty
ifTrue: [choices add: (OrderedCollection with: tokens first); yourself]
ifFalse: [choices collect: [:choice |
(OrderedCollection with: tokens first)
addAll: choice;
addAll: (combinations value: (tokens copyFrom: 2 to: tokens size) value: k);
^combinations value: #(a b c d e f) asOrderedCollection value: 4
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