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Created December 17, 2018 02:35
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Save manderly/a732799ceb10ec8596ff074fadb6066a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. copied from godot project for the sake of example 12/16/2018
extends ""
#todo: globalize these
var mainRoomMinX = 110
var mainRoomMaxX = 360
var mainRoomMinY = 250
var mainRoomMaxY = 410
var outsideMinX = 150
var outsideMaxX = 380
var outsideMinY = 650
var outsideMaxY = 820
#for distinguishing "walkers" (main scene) from usages of the hero not walking (hero page, buttons, etc)
var walkable = false
var showName = true
var battlePrint = false
#three possible ways to display a hero sprite:
#walking with name
#icon with name
#icon with no name
func _ready():
if (walkable):
if (atHome && staffedTo == ""):
if (showName):
$field_name.text = heroName
$field_name.text = ""
func set_display_params(walkBool, nameBool):
walkable = walkBool
showName = nameBool
func _start_idle_timer():
#idle for this random period of time and then start walking
if (walkable):
$idleTimer.set_wait_time(rand_range(3, 15))
$idleTimer.start() #walk when the timer expires
func _start_walking():
walking = true
#pick a random destination to walk to (in the main room for now)
if (currentRoom == 1): #large interior room
walkDestX = rand_range(mainRoomMinX, mainRoomMaxX)
walkDestY = rand_range(mainRoomMinY, mainRoomMaxY)
else: #currentRoom == 0 #outside
walkDestX = rand_range(outsideMinX, outsideMaxX)
walkDestY = rand_range(outsideMinY, outsideMaxY)
startingX = get_position().x
startingY = get_position().y
if (abs(startingX - walkDestX) < 5):
#print(abs(startingX - walkDestX))
#print("starting x and destination x are very close")
walkDestX += 5
if (abs(startingY - walkDestY) < 5):
#print(abs(startingX - walkDestX))
#print("starting x and destination x are very close")
walkDestY += 5
target = Vector2(walkDestX, walkDestY)
#flip (or don't flip) the character's body
if (startingX < target.x):
#print(heroName + " walking RIGHT // started: " + str(startingX) + " // going to:" + str(target.x))
#if already facing right (-1), don't do anything
#if facing left (1), change to -1
if ($body.scale.x == 1):
$body/weapon1.offset.x = 20
$body/weapon2.offset.x = -20
$body/shield.offset.x = -28
$body/shield.set_scale(Vector2(abs($body.scale.x),1)) #todo: shield shouldn't flip
elif (startingX > target.x):
#print(heroName + " walking LEFT // started: " + str(startingX) + " // going to:" + str(target.x))
#if already facing left (1), don't do anything
#if facing right (-1), change to 1 by multiplying -1
if ($body.scale.x == -1):
$body/weapon1.offset.x = 0
$body/weapon2.offset.x = 0
$body/shield.offset.x = 0
#_physics_process(delta) handles the rest and determines when the heroes has arrived
func face_right():
#$body/weapon1.offset.x = 20
#$body/weapon2.offset.x = -20
#$body/shield.offset.x = -28
#$body/shield.set_scale(Vector2(abs($body.scale.x),1)) #todo: shield shouldn't flip
func _on_Timer_timeout():
#idleTimer is up, time to start walking!
func save_current_position():
#this works on the hero SCENE, but we have to pass it to the hero DATA
for i in global.guildRoster.size():
#pair hero scene to hero in data array
if (global.guildRoster[i].heroName == heroName):
global.guildRoster[i].savedPositionX = get_position().x
global.guildRoster[i].savedPositionY = get_position().y
#todo: is there some smarter way to do this? I wanted to just set
#the variables on this hero instance but it has to be done in the roster array
func save():
var thisHero = self
if (thisHero.recruited):
for hero in global.guildRoster:
if (heroID == hero.heroID):
thisHero = hero
elif (!thisHero.recruited):
for hero in global.unrecruited:
if (heroID == hero.heroID):
thisHero = hero
print('rosterHero ID: ' + String(thisHero.heroID))
print("Saving this hero! " + heroName + " level " + str(level) + " " + heroClass)
var saved_hero_data = {
"filename":"heroFile",#get_filename(), #res://hero.tscn
"headSprite":thisHero.headSprite #armor sprites should be derived from equipment
print('heroName' + saved_hero_data.heroName)
print('baseHp' + String(thisHero.baseHp))
return saved_hero_data
func _input_event(viewport, event, shape_idx):
#print("old input event triggered")
#if event is InputEventMouseButton \
#and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT \
#and event.is_pressed():
#if event is InputEventMouseButton \
#and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT \
#and event.is_released():
func _physics_process(delta):
if (walking):
velocity = (target - position).normalized() * speed
if (target - position).length() > 10:
#move_and_slide(velocity) #last good but doesn't stop walking
var collision_info = move_and_collide(velocity * delta)
if collision_info:
#var collision_info = move_and_collide(direction.normalized() * speed * delta)
#if collision_info:
# collision_info.collider.queue_free()
func _stop_walking():
target = get_position()
velocity = 0
walking = false
func set_instance_data(data):
heroName = data.heroName
level = data.level
xp = data.xp
heroClass = data.heroClass
currentRoom = data.currentRoom
recruited = data.recruited
dead = data.dead
heroID = data.heroID
atHome = data.atHome
staffedTo = data.staffedTo
headSprite = data.headSprite #sprites are set in
#chestSprite =
#legsSprite =
#bootSprite =
equipment = {
"unknown": null,
weapon1Sprite = data.weapon1Sprite
weapon2Sprite = data.weapon2Sprite
shieldSprite = data.shieldSprite
savedPositionX = data.savedPositionX
savedPositionY = data.savedPositionY
func _draw_sprites():
var none = "res://sprites/heroes/none.png"
#everyone has a head, no need to else/if this one
$body/head.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/head/" + headSprite)
#heroes can walk around empty-handed, so check that gear actually exists
if (equipment.mainHand):
$body/weapon1.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/weaponMain/" + equipment.mainHand.bodySprite)
$body/weapon1.texture = load(none)
#shields are offhand items but they use a different node on the hero body
if (equipment.offHand):
if (equipment.offHand.itemType == "shield"):
$body/shield.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/offHand/" + equipment.offHand.bodySprite)
$body/weapon2.texture = load(none)
$body/weapon2.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/offHand/" + equipment.offHand.bodySprite)
$body/shield.texture = load(none)
$body/weapon2.texture = load(none)
$body/shield.texture = load(none)
#todo: figure out an elegant way to handle naked characters
if (equipment.chest):
$body/chest.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/chest/" + equipment.chest.bodySprite)
$body/chest.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/chest/missing.png")
if (equipment.legs):
$body/legs.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/legs/" + equipment.legs.bodySprite)
$body/legs.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/legs/missing.png")
if (equipment.feet):
$body/boot1.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/feet/" + equipment.feet.bodySprite)
$body/boot2.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/feet/" + equipment.feet.bodySprite)
$body/boot1.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/feet/missing.png")
$body/boot2.texture = load("res://sprites/heroes/feet/missing.png")
#call this method after assigning equipment to a hero (or removing it from a hero)
func update_hero_stats():
#global.logger(self, "updating hero stats to match equipment for: " + heroName)
#add up the stats from the equipment any time equipment is added or removed from hero
#equipment is an object, so to iterate through it I made this array of names
var equipmentSlotNames = ["mainHand", "offHand", "jewelry", "unknown", "head", "chest", "legs", "feet"]
#reset all the stats modified by armor to 0
modifiedHp = 0
modifiedMana = 0
modifiedArmor = 0
modifiedDps = 0
modifiedStrength = 0
modifiedDefense = 0
modifiedIntelligence = 0
modifiedSkillAlchemy = 0
modifiedSkillBlacksmithing = 0
modifiedSkillFletching = 0
modifiedSkillJewelcraft = 0
modifiedSkillTailoring = 0
modifiedSkillHarvesting = 0
modifiedPrestige = 0
#add up all the stats from armor
var equip = null
for i in range(equipmentSlotNames.size()):
equip = equipment[equipmentSlotNames[i]]
#equip should now be the actual item in that slot
if (equip):
modifiedHp += equip.hpRaw
modifiedMana += equip.manaRaw
modifiedArmor += equip.armor
modifiedDps += equip.dps
modifiedStrength += equip.strength
modifiedDefense += equip.defense
modifiedIntelligence += equip.intelligence
modifiedPrestige += equip.prestige
#skill stats to come later (todo)
#groupBonus is a different system (todo)
#raidBonus is a different system (todo)
#drama and mood are not affected by equipment
#finally, update the hero's stats
#global.logger(self, "updating hero stats on hero itself")
hp = baseHp + modifiedHp
mana = baseMana + modifiedMana
#global.logger(self, "new hp total: " + str(hp))
armor = baseArmor + modifiedArmor
dps = baseDps + modifiedDps
strength = baseStrength + modifiedStrength
defense = baseDefense + modifiedDefense
intelligence = baseIntelligence + modifiedIntelligence
skillAlchemy = baseSkillAlchemy + modifiedSkillAlchemy
skillBlacksmithing = baseSkillBlacksmithing + modifiedSkillBlacksmithing
skillFletching = baseSkillFletching + modifiedSkillFletching
skillJewelcraft = baseSkillJewelcraft + modifiedSkillJewelcraft
skillTailoring = baseSkillTailoring + modifiedSkillTailoring
skillHarvesting = baseSkillHarvesting + modifiedSkillHarvesting
prestige = basePrestige + modifiedPrestige
drama = "Low"
mood = "Happy"
#this method generates a brand new instance of the item, it's an equivalent
#to the method used in to give new items to the guild
func give_new_item(itemNameStr):
#To use: hero.give_item("Item Name Here")
#hero.give_item("item name here", false) #for items from the vault
var newItem = staticData.items[itemNameStr].duplicate() #make a new instance from the big book of items
newItem.itemID = global.nextItemID
global.nextItemID += 1
equipment[newItem.slot] = newItem #now give it to the matching equipment slot on this hero
func give_existing_item(item): #takes the actual item (use with vault)
equipment[item.slot] = item
#if we release before 300ms is up, it's a short press - just show the hero name and stop their walking
#if we release after 300ms is up, it's a long press - open the hero page
func _open_hero_page():
if (self.recruited):
for i in range(global.guildRoster.size()):
if (global.guildRoster[i].heroID == heroID):
global.selectedHero = global.guildRoster[i]
global.currentMenu = "heroPage"
for i in range(global.unrecruited.size()):
if (global.unrecruited[i].heroID == heroID):
global.selectedHero = global.unrecruited[i]
func _hide_extended_stats():
$field_levelAndClass.text = ""
$field_xp.text = ""
$field_debug.text = ""
func _show_extended_stats():
$field_levelAndClass.text = "Level " + str(level) + " " + heroClass
$field_xp.text = str(xp) + " xp"
$field_debug.text = "(room: " + str(currentRoom) + " id: " + str(heroID) + ")"
func _on_heroButton_pressed():
if (walkable):
if (walking):
walking = false
func _on_heroButton_released():
if (walkable):
if $touchTimer.is_stopped():
#long press detected
#short press detected
func _on_touchTimer_timeout():
#touch timer timed out
func send_home():
atHome = true
staffedTo = ""
staffedToID = -1
func get_archetype():
#returns string dps, tank, healer
var archetype = ""
if (heroClass == "Wizard" || heroClass == "Ranger" || heroClass == "Rogue" || heroClass == "Monk"):
archetype = "dps"
elif (heroClass == "Paladin" || heroClass == "Warrior"):
archetype = "tank"
elif (heroClass == "Cleric" || heroClass == "Druid"):
archetype = "healer"
archetype = "ERROR"
return archetype
func give_xp(xpNum):
xp += xpNum
func make_level(levelNum):
if (levelNum > 1):
for level in range(levelNum):
func restore_hp_mana():
hpCurrent = hp
manaCurrent = mana
func level_up():
xp = int(0)
level += int(1)
baseHp = int(round(baseHp * classLevelModifiers[heroClass].hp))
baseMana = int(round(baseMana * classLevelModifiers[heroClass].mana))
baseStrength = int(round(baseStrength * classLevelModifiers[heroClass].strength))
baseDefense = int(round(baseDefense * classLevelModifiers[heroClass].defense))
hpCurrent = hp #refill hp and mana when leveling up
manaCurrent = mana
func melee_attack():
var rawDmg = (equipment["mainHand"].dps * strength) / 2
var roll = randi()%20+1 #(roll between 1-20)
if (roll == 1):
if (battlePrint):
rawDmg = 0
elif (roll == 20):
if (battlePrint):
print("Critical hit! Double damage!")
rawDmg *= 2
if (battlePrint):
print("Returning this raw damage: " + str(rawDmg))
return rawDmg
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