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Last active March 21, 2024 18:40
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  • Save mandibuswell/0cdb03f388c079a3ac1ac8e5a0e9e26a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ARO Workshop Application
#This GIST is for use with the, it provides all the OC commands within the exercise in easy to use copy/paste automation.
#Before running this gist ensure you have forked the following
#update mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web for with these two files
echo 'Step One Create Project'
oc new-project $project
oc new-app bitnami/mongodb \
-e MONGODB_USERNAME=ratingsuser \
-e MONGODB_PASSWORD=ratingspassword \
-e MONGODB_DATABASE=ratingsdb \
-e MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=ratingspassword
echo 'Get Service'
oc get svc mongodb
echo '****** 2.4 Deploy Rating Application *******'
oc new-app$githubname/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-api --strategy=source --name=rating-api
echo 'configure required variables'
oc set env deploy/rating-api MONGODB_URI=mongodb://ratingsuser:ratingspassword@mongodb.workshop.svc.cluster.local:27017/ratingsdb
echo 'wait until RATING-API pods are running then continue'
oc get pods --watch
echo 'get rating service'
oc get svc rating-api
oc patch service/rating-api --patch '{"spec": {"ports": [{"name": "8080-tcp","protocol": "TCP", "port": 8080, "targetPort": 3000}]}}'
oc get svc rating-api
echo 'get webhook secret'
oc get bc/rating-api -o=jsonpath='{.spec.triggers..github.secret}'
echo 'Replace the <secret> placeholder with the secret you retrieved in the previous step to have a URL similar and add to your github repo to complete the triggers exercise'
oc describe bc/rating-api
echo '******* 2.5 Deploy Ratings frontend ********'
oc new-app$githubname/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web --strategy=docker --name=rating-web
echo 'wait until pods are running then continue'
oc get pods --watch
oc set env deploy rating-web API=http://rating-api:8080
oc expose svc/rating-web
oc get route
oc get bc/rating-web -o=jsonpath='{.spec.triggers..github.secret}'
echo 'Replace the <secret> placeholder with the secret you retrieved in the previous step to have a URL similar and add to your github repo to complete the triggers exercise'
oc describe bc/rating-web
echo '***** 2.6 Create Network Policy *******'
oc apply -f
echo 'Step One Create Project'
oc new-project $project
oc new-app bitnami/mongodb \
-e MONGODB_USERNAME=ratingsuser \
-e MONGODB_PASSWORD=ratingspassword \
-e MONGODB_DATABASE=ratingsdb \
-e MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=ratingspassword
echo 'Get Service'
oc get svc mongodb
oc project $project
oc new-app$githubname/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-api#tankrank --strategy=source --name=tank-rating-api
echo 'configure required variables'
oc set env deploy/tank-rating-api MONGODB_URI=mongodb://ratingsuser:ratingspassword@mongodb.$project.svc.cluster.local:27017/ratingsdb
echo 'wait until RATING-API pods are running then continue'
oc get pods --watch
oc patch service/tank-rating-api --patch '{"spec": {"ports": [{"name": "8080-tcp","protocol": "TCP", "port": 8080, "targetPort": 3000}]}}'
oc new-app$githubname/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web#tankrank --strategy=docker --name=tank-rating-web
echo 'wait until pods are running then continue'
oc get pods --watch
oc set env deploy tank-rating-web API=http://tank-rating-api:8080
oc expose svc/tank-rating-web
oc apply -f
oc patch route/tank-rating-web --patch '{"spec": {"tls": {"termination": "edge","insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy": "Allow"}}}'
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