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Forked from rodydavis/
Created March 15, 2019 21:04
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Flutter Release Script with Fastlane
echo "App Release Automator by @rodydavis"
red=`tput setaf 1`
green=`tput setaf 2`
reset=`tput sgr0`
if [ ${action} = "build" ]; then
echo "${green}Generating built files.. ${reset}"
flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
pub global activate pubspec_version
git commit -a -m "Build $(pubver bump patch)"
echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
flutter format .
flutter clean
echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"
echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
flutter build apk
echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
cd ./ios && pod install && pod repo update && cd ..
flutter build ios
git commit -a -m "Project Rebuilt"
elif [ ${action} = "beta" ]; then
echo "${green}Generating built files..${reset}"
flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
pub global activate pubspec_version
git commit -a -m "Beta $(pubver bump patch)"
echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
flutter format .
flutter clean
echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"
echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
flutter build apk
echo "${green}Sending Android to Beta...${reset}"
cd ./android && fastlane beta && cd ..
echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
flutter build ios
echo "${green}Sending iOS to Beta..${reset}"
cd ./ios && fastlane beta && cd ..
git commit -a -m "Sent to Beta"
elif [ ${action} = "release" ]; then
echo "${green}Generating built files..${reset}"
flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
pub global activate pubspec_version
git commit -a -m "Production $(pubver bump minor)"
echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
flutter format .
flutter clean
echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"
echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
flutter build apk
echo "${green}Sending Android to Production...${reset}"
cd ./android && fastlane release && cd ..
echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
flutter build ios
echo "${green}Sending iOS to Production...${reset}"
cd ./ios && fastlane release && cd ..
git commit -a -m "Sent to Production"
echo "${green}Successfully completed${reset}"
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