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Created May 23, 2021 18:31
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Got an API that you want to scrape into a SQL database? Check out this utility that accepts JSON and its type/name, prompts to you tell it which is the ID key, and creates types also for array-valued keys in a similar way. It could be extended to create table-creation statements in SQL.
import json
def add_table(name, json, exclude=None):
non_array_columns = [key for key in json if not isinstance(
json[key], list) and key != exclude]
id_column = prompt_for_selection(non_array_columns, name)
non_array_columns = [x for x in non_array_columns if x != id_column]
array_values = [key for key in json if isinstance(
json[key], list) and key != id_column and key != exclude]
global tables
'name': name,
'id_column': id_column,
'columns': non_array_columns,
for array_value in array_values:
tmp = json[array_value][0]
tmp[name] = json[id_column]
print('\nlooking now at', array_value)
add_table(array_value, tmp, name)
def prompt_for_selection(options, name):
if len(options) == 1:
return options[0]
print('what is the ID column for', name, "?")
c = 0
for option in options:
print(c, option)
c += 1
option_id = input("type a number from the options: ")
answer = int(option_id)
assert answer >= 0
assert answer < len(options)
return options[answer]
print('invalid option... try again or quit')
return prompt_for_selection(options, name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
tables = []
while True:
again = input(' any json? y/n ').lower()
if again == 'y':
data = input('paste it now and hit enter. ')
name = input('tell me the name of this json: ')
ready = json.loads(data)
add_table(name, ready)
except Exception as e:
print('it did not parse. Try again?')
answer = input("what to see a demo? (y/n) ")
if answer == 'y':
data = {"key1":1, "id":2,"transactions":[{"eh":3, "txId": 4}]}
print("LOOK AT THISSS", data)
print("we'll call it 'purchase'")
name = 'purchase'
add_table(name, data)
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