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Created December 31, 2016 14:09
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Draft implementation of Kind-Polymorphic Typeclass for type-safe type representation & cast operation
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.collection.{ GenMap, GenTraversable }
/** Draft implmementation of Polykinded Safe Type Representation & Cast */
object Test extends App {
/** Representation of the type of a value
* T is the type constructor of the type of the value (For example Int => T = Int, List[Int] => T = List)
* TAbs (for T abstracted) is a well-formed monomorphic type derived from T (For example List => TAbs = List[Any])
* To think about: variance could be taken into account there
trait TypeRepr[T <: AnyKind, TAbs] {
// the value associated to this type representation
def value: TAbs
// cast local value to the monomorphic type TT
def cast[TT](implicit typeable: Typeable[TT]): Option[typeable.TAbs] = typeable.repr(value).map(_.value)
def describe: String
override def toString = s"TypeRepr[$describe]"
/** Kind-Polymorphic Typeable typeclass
trait Typeable[T <: AnyKind] extends Serializable {
type TAbs
// returns an eventual type representation associated the given value
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[T, TAbs]]
def describe: String
override def toString = s"Typeable[$describe]"
object Typeable {
import java.{ lang => jl }
def apply[T <: AnyKind](implicit st: Typeable[T]): st.type = st
case class ValueTypeable[T, B](cB: Class[B], describe: String) extends Typeable[T] {
self =>
type TAbs = T
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[T, T]] = {
if(t != null && cB.isInstance(t))
Some(new TypeRepr[T, T] {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[T]
val describe = self.describe
else None
/** Typeable instance for `String`. */
implicit val stringTypeable: Typeable[String] = ValueTypeable[String, String](classOf[String], "String")
/** Typeable instance for `Byte`. */
implicit val byteTypeable: Typeable[Byte] = ValueTypeable[Byte, jl.Byte](classOf[jl.Byte], "Byte")
/** Typeable instance for `Short`. */
implicit val shortTypeable: Typeable[Short] = ValueTypeable[Short, jl.Short](classOf[jl.Short], "Short")
/** Typeable instance for `Char`. */
implicit val charTypeable: Typeable[Char] = ValueTypeable[Char, jl.Character](classOf[jl.Character], "Char")
/** Typeable instance for `Int`. */
implicit val intTypeable: Typeable[Int] = ValueTypeable[Int, jl.Integer](classOf[jl.Integer], "Int")
/** Typeable instance for `Long`. */
implicit val longTypeable: Typeable[Long] = ValueTypeable[Long, jl.Long](classOf[jl.Long], "Long")
/** Typeable instance for `Float`. */
implicit val floatTypeable: Typeable[Float] = ValueTypeable[Float, jl.Float](classOf[jl.Float], "Float")
/** Typeable instance for `Double`. */
implicit val doubleTypeable: Typeable[Double] = ValueTypeable[Double, jl.Double](classOf[jl.Double], "Double")
/** Typeable instance for `Boolean`. */
implicit val booleanTypeable: Typeable[Boolean] = ValueTypeable[Boolean, jl.Boolean](classOf[jl.Boolean], "Boolean")
/** Typeable instance for `Unit`. */
implicit val unitTypeable: Typeable[Unit] = ValueTypeable[Unit, runtime.BoxedUnit](classOf[runtime.BoxedUnit], "Unit")
/** Typeable instance for `Any`. */
implicit val anyTypeable: Typeable[Any] =
new Typeable[Any] {
type TAbs = Any
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[Any, Any]] = Some(new TypeRepr[Any, Any] {
val value = t
val describe = "Any"
val describe = "Any"
// We coulld take variance into to use Any or Nothing in TAbs
implicit def typeable1A[F[_]](implicit mF: ClassTag[F[_]]) =
new Typeable[F] {
type TAbs = F[Any]
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[F, F[Any]]] =
if(t == null) None
else if(mF.runtimeClass isAssignableFrom t.getClass) {
Some(new TypeRepr[F, F[Any]] {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[F[Any]]
val describe = s"${mF.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}"
} else None
val describe = s"${mF.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}"
implicit def typeable2AB[F[_, _]](implicit mF: ClassTag[F[_, _]]) =
new Typeable[F] {
type TAbs = F[Any, Any]
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[F, F[Any, Any]]] =
if(t == null) None
else if(mF.runtimeClass isAssignableFrom t.getClass) {
Some(new TypeRepr[F, F[Any, Any]] {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[F[Any, Any]]
val describe = s"${mF.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}"
} else None
val describe = s"${mF.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}"
implicit def genTraversableTypeable[CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X], T]
(implicit mCC: ClassTag[CC[_]], castT: Typeable[T]): Typeable[CC[T] with GenTraversable[T]] =
new Typeable[CC[T]] {
type TAbs = CC[T]
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[CC[T], CC[T]]] =
if(t == null) None
else if(mCC.runtimeClass isAssignableFrom t.getClass) {
val cc = t.asInstanceOf[CC[Any]]
if(cc.forall(x => castT.repr(x).isDefined)) Some(new TypeRepr[CC[T], CC[T]] {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[CC[T]]
val describe = s"${mCC.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}[${castT.describe}]"
else None
} else None
val describe = s"${mCC.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}[${castT.describe}]"
/** Typeable instance for `Map`. Note that the contents will be tested for conformance to the key/value types. */
implicit def genMapTypeable[M[X, Y], K, V]
(implicit ev: M[K, V] <:< GenMap[K, V], mM: ClassTag[M[_, _]], castK: Typeable[K], castV: Typeable[V]): Typeable[M[K, V]] =
new Typeable[M[K, V]] {
type TAbs = M[K, V]
def repr(t: Any): Option[TypeRepr[M[K, V], M[K, V]]] =
if(t == null) None
else if(mM.runtimeClass isAssignableFrom t.getClass) {
val m = t.asInstanceOf[GenMap[Any, Any]]
if(m.forall(x => castK.repr(x._1).isDefined && castV.repr(x._2).isDefined)) Some(new TypeRepr[M[K, V], M[K, V]] {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[M[K, V]]
val describe = s"${mM.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}[${castK.describe}, ${castV.describe}]"
else None
} else None
val describe = s"${mM.runtimeClass.getSimpleName}[${castK.describe}, ${castV.describe}]"
/** Builds eventual type representation of a value
* For ex:
* repr[Int](5) => Some(TypeRepr[Int])
* repr[List](List(1, 2, 3) => Some(TypeRepr[List])
* repr[String](5) => None
def repr[T <: AnyKind](t: Any)(implicit typeable: Typeable[T]): Option[TypeRepr[T, typeable.TAbs]] = typeable.repr(t)
/** Safe-casts a monomorphic-typed value using implicit typeable
* cast[Int](5) => Some(5)
* cast[String](5) => None
def cast[T](t: Any)(implicit typeable: Typeable[T]): Option[typeable.TAbs] = typeable.repr(t).flatMap(_.cast[T])
assert(cast[Int](5) == Some(5))
assert(repr[String](5) == None)
assert(cast[String]("5") == Some("5"))
// List
assert(repr[List](List(1, 2, 3)).isDefined)
assert(cast[List[Int]](List(1, 2, 3)) == Some(List(1, 2, 3)))
assert(repr[List[String]](List(1, 2, 3)) == None)
assert(repr[List](List(1, "tutu", 3L)).flatMap(_.cast[List[Any]]) == Some(List(1, "tutu", 3L)))
assert(cast[List[Any]](List(1, "tutu", 3L)) == Some(List(1, "tutu", 3L)))
// Map
assert(repr[Map](Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")).isDefined)
assert(repr[Map](Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")).flatMap(_.cast[Map[Int, String]]) == Some(Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")))
assert(repr[List](Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")) == None)
assert(cast[Map[Int, String]](Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")) == Some(Map(1 -> "toto", 2 -> "tata", 3 -> "tutu")))
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