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Last active February 6, 2017 19:49
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Avoid classic Scala implicit collisions (example +/* monoid) by managing your typeclass instances scoped in a kind-polymorphic data structure
import scala.language.higherKinds
object Test extends App {
// PKList or the Any-Order heterogenous list
sealed trait PKList[Args <: AnyKind]
trait PKNil[Args <: AnyKind] extends PKList[Args]
sealed trait PKCons[Args <: AnyKind, HA, TA <: PKList[Args]] extends PKList[Args] {
def head: HA
def tail: TA
object PKList {
trait PKConsBuilder[Args <: AnyKind, HA, UL <: PKList[Args]] {
type OutA <: PKList[Args]
def ::(l: UL)(ha: HA): OutA
implicit class PKListOps[
Args <: AnyKind
](l: PKNil[Args]) {
def ::[HA0](ha: HA0)(implicit unap: PKConsBuilder[Args, HA0, PKNil[Args]]): unap.OutA = unap.::(l)(ha)
implicit class PKListOps2[
Args <: AnyKind
, HA
, T <: PKList[Args]
](l: PKCons[Args, HA, T]) {
def ::[HA0](ha: HA0)(implicit unap: PKConsBuilder[Args, HA0, PKCons[Args, HA, T]]): unap.OutA = unap.::(l)(ha)
trait Contains[Args <: AnyKind, H, L <: PKList[Args]] {
def apply(l: L): H
object Contains {
def apply[Args <: AnyKind, H, L2 <: PKList[Args]](implicit is: Contains[Args, H, L2]) = is
implicit def head[Args <: AnyKind, H, L2 <: PKList[Args]] = new Contains[Args, H, PKCons[Args, H, L2]] {
def apply(l: PKCons[Args, H, L2]): H = l.head
implicit def corec[Args <: AnyKind, H, H2, L2 <: PKList[Args]] (
implicit next: Contains[Args, H, L2]
) = new Contains[Args, H, PKCons[Args, H2, L2]] {
def apply(l: PKCons[Args, H2, L2]): H = next(l.tail)
trait IsSubPKList[Args <: AnyKind, L1 <: PKList[Args], L2 <: PKList[Args]] {
def sub(l2: L2): L1
object IsSubPKList {
def apply[Args <: AnyKind, L1 <: PKList[Args], L2 <: PKList[Args]](implicit is: IsSubPKList[Args, L1, L2]) = is
implicit def nil[Args <: AnyKind, L2 <: PKList[Args]] = new IsSubPKList[Args, PKNil[Args], L2] {
def sub(l2: L2): PKNil[Args] = new PKNil[Args] {}
implicit def head[Args <: AnyKind, H, L1 <: PKList[Args], L2 <: PKList[Args]](
implicit c: Contains[Args, H, L2], next: IsSubPKList[Args, L1, L2]
) = new IsSubPKList[Args, PKCons[Args, H, L1], L2] {
def sub(l2: L2): PKCons[Args, H, L1] = new PKCons[Args, H, L1] {
val head = c(l2)
val tail = next.sub(l2)
object Lawful {
import PKList._
case class HNilF[F <: AnyKind]() extends PKNil[F]
implicit def buildMCons[M[_ <: AnyKind], F <: AnyKind, T <: PKList[F]] =
new PKConsBuilder[F, M[F], T] {
type OutA = PKCons[F, M[F], T]
def ::(l: T)(h: M[F]): OutA = new PKCons[F, M[F], T] {
val head = h
val tail = l
trait Laws[Scope, F <: AnyKind, L <: PKList[F]] {
def laws: L
object Laws {
// type Aux[F <: AnyKind, L0 <: PKList[F]] = Laws[F] { type L = L0 }
class Builder[Scope, F] {
def apply[L0 <: PKList[F]](l0: L0): Laws[Scope, F, L0] = new Laws[Scope, F, L0] {
val laws = l0
def apply[Scope, F <: AnyKind] = new Builder[Scope, F]
trait HasLaws[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, LS <: PKList[Args]] {
def laws: LS
def apply[HA](implicit c: Contains[Args, HA, LS]): HA = c(laws)
object HasLaws {
def apply[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, LS <: PKList[Args]](implicit hl: HasLaws[Scope, Args, LS]): HasLaws[Scope, Args, LS] = hl
implicit def hasLaws[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, LS <: PKList[Args], LS2 <: PKList[Args]](
implicit la: Laws[Scope, Args, LS], issub: IsSubPKList[Args, LS2, LS]
): HasLaws[Scope, Args, LS2] = new HasLaws[Scope, Args, LS2] {
val laws = issub.sub(la.laws)
trait HasLaw[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, L] {
def law: L
object HasLaw {
def apply[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, L](implicit hasLaws: HasLaws[Scope, Args, PKCons[Args, L, PKNil[Args]]]) =
new HasLaw[Scope, Args, L] {
val law = hasLaws.laws.head
implicit def hasLaw[Scope, Args <: AnyKind, L](implicit hasLaws: HasLaws[Scope, Args, PKCons[Args, L, PKNil[Args]]]) =
new HasLaw[Scope, Args, L] {
val law = hasLaws.laws.head
case class Scope[S](s: S)
case class WithScope[S](s: S) {
val scope = Scope(s)
def apply[A](f: Scope[S] => A): A = f(scope)
import PKList._
import Lawful._
// simple-order monoid typeclass
trait Monoid[F] {
def append[A](a: F, b: F): F
// append depending on a scope (could be made more idiomatic with some macro/annoation/scalameta)
def append[F, S](a: F, b: F)(implicit scope: Scope[S], hasMonoid: HasLaw[S, F, Monoid[F]]): F =, b)
// Scope for Numeric Sum monoid
object SumScope { self =>
def monoid[T](implicit numeric: Numeric[T]): Monoid[T] = new Monoid[T] {
def append[A](a: T, b: T): T =, b)
implicit def laws[T](implicit numeric: Numeric[T]) = Laws[self.type, T](monoid[T] :: HNilF[T]())
// Scope for Numeric Product monoid
object ProdScope { self =>
def monoid[T](implicit numeric: Numeric[T]): Monoid[T] = new Monoid[T] {
def append[A](a: T, b: T): T = numeric.times(a, b)
implicit def laws[T](implicit numeric: Numeric[T]) = Laws[self.type, T](monoid[T] :: HNilF[T]())
// this syntax can be enhanced with macro & scalameta but here we are in the scalac tests
WithScope(SumScope) { implicit s =>
assert(append(5, 3) == 8)
assert(append(5.234, 9.876) == 15.11)
// this syntax can be enhanced with macro & scalameta but here we are in the scalac tests
WithScope(ProdScope) { implicit s =>
assert(append(5, 3) == 15)
assert(append(5.234, 9.876) == 51.690984)
// Other sample proposed by Matthew pocock ;)
class NumericField[N](
N : Numeric[N]
, Sum: HasLaw[SumScope.type, N, Monoid[N]]
, Product: HasLaw[ProdScope.type, N, Monoid[N]]
) {
def sum(lhs: N, rhs: N) =, rhs)
def product(lhs: N, rhs: N) =, rhs)
val intField = new NumericField[Int]
assert(intField.sum(3, 5) == 8)
assert(intField.product(3, 5) == 15)
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