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Last active August 10, 2016 20:51
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ngInfiniteScroll is a directive for AngularJS to evaluate an expression when the bottom of the directive's element approaches the bottom of the browser window, which can be used to implement infinite scrolling.
/* ng-infinite-scroll - v1.1.2 - 2014-05-21 */
/* original code: */
var mod;
mod = angular.module('infinite-scroll', []);
mod.value('THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS', null);
mod.value('THROTTLE_DISTANCE', 20);
mod.directive('infiniteScroll', [
'$rootScope', '$window', '$timeout', 'THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS', 'THROTTLE_DISTANCE', function($rootScope, $window, $timeout, THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS, THROTTLE_DISTANCE) {
return {
scope: {
infiniteScroll: '&',
infiniteScrollContainer: '=',
infiniteScrollDistance: '=',
infiniteScrollDisabled: '=',
infiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom: '=',
infiniteScrollHorizontal: '=',
infiniteScrollCallMax: '='
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var changeContainer, checkWhenEnabled, container, handleInfiniteScrollContainer, handleInfiniteScrollDisabled, handleInfiniteScrollDistance, handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom, handleInfiniteScrollHorizontal, handler, immediateCheck, scrollDistance, scrollEnabled, throttle, useDocumentBottom, scrollHorizontal;
$window = angular.element($window);
scrollDistance = null;
scrollEnabled = null;
checkWhenEnabled = null;
container = null;
immediateCheck = true;
useDocumentBottom = false;
var handleInfiniteScrollCallMax; // attr
var infiniteScrollCallMax = NaN; // default: no limit
var scrollCallCounter = 0; // internal counter
handler = function() {
var containerBottom, containerTopOffset, elementBottom, remaining, shouldScroll;
if (container === $window) {
if (scrollHorizontal) {
containerBottom = container.width() + container.scrollLeft();
elementBottom = elem.offset().left + elem.width();
} else {
containerBottom = container.height() + container.scrollTop();
elementBottom = elem.offset().top + elem.height();
} else {
if (scrollHorizontal) {
containerBottom = container.width();
} else {
containerBottom = container.height();
containerTopOffset = 0;
if (container.offset() !== void 0) {
if (scrollHorizontal) {
containerTopOffset = container.offset().left;
} else {
containerTopOffset = container.offset().top;
if (scrollHorizontal) {
elementBottom = elem.offset().left - containerTopOffset + elem.width();
} else {
elementBottom = elem.offset().top - containerTopOffset + elem.height();
if (useDocumentBottom) {
if (scrollHorizontal) {
elementBottom = $(document).width();
} else {
elementBottom = $(document).height();
remaining = elementBottom - containerBottom;
if (scrollHorizontal) {
shouldScroll = remaining <= container.width() * scrollDistance + 1;
} else {
shouldScroll = remaining <= container.height() * scrollDistance + 1;
if(remaining > THROTTLE_DISTANCE) {
scrollCallCounter = 0;
if( !isNaN(infiniteScrollCallMax) && scrollCallCounter >= infiniteScrollCallMax) {
shouldScroll = false
if (shouldScroll) {
checkWhenEnabled = true;
if (scrollEnabled) {
scrollCallCounter += 1;
if (scope.$$phase || $rootScope.$$phase) {
return scope.infiniteScroll();
} else {
return scope.$apply(scope.infiniteScroll);
} else {
return checkWhenEnabled = false;
throttle = function(func, wait) {
var later, previous, timeout;
timeout = null;
previous = 0;
later = function() {
var context;
previous = new Date().getTime();
timeout = null;;
return context = null;
return function() {
var now, remaining;
now = new Date().getTime();
remaining = wait - (now - previous);
if (remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
} else {
if (!timeout) {
return timeout = $timeout(later, remaining);
handler = throttle(handler, THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
return'scroll', handler);
handleInfiniteScrollHorizontal = function (v) {
scrollHorizontal = v;
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollHorizontal', handleInfiniteScrollHorizontal);
handleInfiniteScrollCallMax = function (v) {
if(v) {
infiniteScrollCallMax = v;
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollCallMax', handleInfiniteScrollCallMax);
handleInfiniteScrollCallMax(parseInt(scope.infiniteScrollCallMax || NaN, 10));
handleInfiniteScrollDistance = function(v) {
return scrollDistance = parseInt(v, 10) || 0;
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollDistance', handleInfiniteScrollDistance);
handleInfiniteScrollDisabled = function(v) {
scrollEnabled = !v;
if (scrollEnabled && checkWhenEnabled) {
checkWhenEnabled = false;
return handler();
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollDisabled', handleInfiniteScrollDisabled);
handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom = function(v) {
return useDocumentBottom = v;
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom', handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom);
changeContainer = function(newContainer) {
if (container != null) {'scroll', handler);
container = typeof newContainer.last === 'function' && newContainer !== $window ? newContainer.last() : newContainer;
if (newContainer != null) {
return container.on('scroll', handler);
handleInfiniteScrollContainer = function(newContainer) {
if ((!(newContainer != null)) || newContainer.length === 0) {
newContainer = angular.element(newContainer);
if (newContainer != null) {
return changeContainer(newContainer);
} else {
throw new Exception("invalid infinite-scroll-container attribute.");
scope.$watch('infiniteScrollContainer', handleInfiniteScrollContainer);
handleInfiniteScrollContainer(scope.infiniteScrollContainer || []);
if (attrs.infiniteScrollParent != null) {
if (attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck != null) {
immediateCheck = scope.$eval(attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck);
return $timeout((function() {
if (immediateCheck) {
return handler();
}), 0);
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