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Last active September 16, 2020 21:58
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create a new system level user without login, create the new group, adds current logged-in user and new system nologin user to the common group; and give restrictive sudo access to a particular script
## Copyright (c) 2020 mangalbhaskar. All Rights Reserved.
##__author__ = 'mangalbhaskar'
## create a new system level user without login, create the new group,
## adds current logged-in user and new system nologin user to the common group;
## and give restrictive sudo access to a particular script and systemd service
function sudo_restrict_user_cmd() {
local _key
local _val
declare -A args
while [[ "$#" > "0" ]]; do
case "$1" in
_key="${1%%=*}" && _key="${_key/--/}" && _val="${1#*=}"
# (>&2 echo -e "key:val => ${_key}:${_val}")
echo "Total: $# should be equal to ${#args[@]} and args: ${args[@]}"
local key
for key in "${!args[@]}"; do
[[ -n "${args[${key}]+1}" ]] && _echo "${key} = ${args[${key}]}" || error "Key does not exists: ${key}"
local username
local groupname
local scripts_filepath
local cservicename
[[ -n "${args['user']+1}" ]] && username=${args['user']} && \
[[ -n "${args['group']+1}" ]] && groupname=${args['group']} && \
[[ -n "${args['scripts_filepath']+1}" ]] && scripts_filepath=${args['scripts_filepath']} && {
[[ -n "${args['cservicename']+1}" ]] && cservicename=${args['cservicename']} || ( cservicename="${username}.service" && echo "cservicename: ${cservicename}" )
} && {
echo "Executing system user creation process..."
## delete the system user from the secondary group
sudo userdel ${username} -r &> /dev/null
sudo groupdel ${username} &> /dev/null
sudo groupdel ${groupname} &> /dev/null
## add user if it does not exists
id -u ${username} &> /dev/null || sudo useradd -rUMs /usr/sbin/nologin -c "User account" ${username}
sudo gpasswd -d $(id -un) ${groupname} &> /dev/null
sudo gpasswd -d ${username} ${groupname} &> /dev/null
## add application system user to the secondary group, if it is not already added
getent group | grep ${username} | grep ${groupname} &> /dev/null || {
sudo groupadd ${groupname}
sudo usermod -aG ${groupname} ${username}
## add system user to the secondary group, if it is not already added
getent group | grep $(id -un) | grep ${groupname} &> /dev/null || {
sudo usermod -aG ${groupname} $(id -un) && _echo "Successfully created system user"
cat /etc/passwd | grep ${username}
local L1
local L2
local FILE
## Allow only specific services and commands to be executed without sudo
## Inject in sudoer file using visudo and only when it does not exits
L1="Cmnd_Alias AISERVICES = ${scripts_filepath}, /bin/systemctl status ${cservicename}, /bin/systemctl reload ${cservicename}, /bin/systemctl restart ${cservicename}"
L2="$(id -un) ALL=(${username}:${groupname}) NOPASSWD: AISERVICES"
sudo grep -qF "$L1" "$FILE" || echo -e "$L1" | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo &> /dev/null
sudo grep -qF "$L2" "$FILE" || echo -e "$L2" | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
## list the group members along with their GIDs
id ${username}
## permissions: r 4; w 2; x 1;
## make ${username} as the owner of specific directory
sudo chown -R ${username}:${groupname} ${scripts_filepath}
## only owner has the permission to read and execute
sudo chmod -R 500 ${scripts_filepath}
## kill the sudo timeout and reset, so we know that the test really works
sudo -k
## Test - this should print hello
## systen usercan execute without these scripts without sudo password
sudo -u ${username} -s /bin/bash ${scripts_filepath} hello
echo -e "\nUsage:
sudo -u ${username} -s /bin/bash ${scripts_filepath} hello
sudo -u ${username} systemctl [status|reload|restart] ${username}.service"
} || echo "Required params are missing!"
## Copyright (c) 2020 mangalbhaskar. All Rights Reserved.
##__author__ = 'mangalbhaskar'
function test-1-case-1-system() {
local LSCRIPTS=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd )
source ${LSCRIPTS}/
sudo_restrict_user_cmd --user='blah' --group='dummy'
## sudo_restrict_user_cmd --user='blah' --group='dummy' --cservicename=some_blah_service.service
## Copyright (c) 2020 mangalbhaskar. All Rights Reserved.
##__author__ = 'mangalbhaskar'
echo "$@"
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mangalbhaskar commented Sep 16, 2020

Warning: Use the scripts at your own risks; understand what the script does;

Take the backup of the sudoer file, just in-case as this script modifies the sudoer file.
Verify the sudoer file by executing: sudo visudo

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