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Created July 25, 2016 21:51
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clojure untar
(ns untar
(:import (org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar TarArchiveInputStream)
( File)
( FileOutputStream)
( FileInputStream)))
(defn untar-file
"untar file and save to location - preserving filenames"
[zipfile outdirpath]
(let [buffer (byte-array 1024)
outdir (File. outdirpath)]
(.mkdir outdir)
(println "untarring " (.getPath zipfile))
(with-open [zis (TarArchiveInputStream. (FileInputStream. zipfile))]
(loop [e (.getNextEntry zis)]
(if e
(let [filename (.getName e)
outfile (File. (str outdir (File/separator) filename))]
(if (.isDirectory e)
(.mkdirs outfile)
(.mkdirs (File. (.getParent outfile)))
(with-open [outstream (FileOutputStream. outfile)]
(loop [len (.read zis buffer)]
(if (< 0 len)
(.write outstream buffer 0 len)
(recur (.read zis buffer))))))))
(recur (.getNextEntry zis))))))))
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