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Last active May 28, 2016 13:09
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  • Save mangstadt/a56874939b7bb5dfe3f0243c56fd59b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mangstadt/a56874939b7bb5dfe3f0243c56fd59b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:45:08 EDT 2016
 ------------------------------[ page 1 of 19 ]------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
Thank you.
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 19 ]--------------------------------
While FOSS is primarily about freedom and choice, certain choices are
known to carry an increased risk of breaking things in BunsenLabs.
Two of the riskier things are:
* adding Ubuntu PPAs or unknown/untrusted repos to your
/etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d
* installing a package that wants a newer version of libc6
More information on some of the riskier things, the above included,
can be found here:
(Right click the above link and choose "Open Link" to visit the page.)
Please type "I understand" to continue with this script.
Enter "I understand" to continue. (Q to quit)
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 3 of 19 ]--------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the Flash
Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources list?
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Editing sources list failed. This script will exit.
Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and check the entries before
running bl-welcome again.
Press any key to continue.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:48:04 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Editing sources list failed. This script will exit.
Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and check the entries
before running bl-welcome again.
Press any key to continue.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:49:43 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Editing sources list failed. This script will exit.
Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and check the entries
before running bl-welcome again.
Press any key to continue.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:50:02 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 -------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources
are up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 -------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]-------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 -------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
It is possible to add the BunsenLabs backports repository and upgrade
xfce4-power-manager from there. This will add an improved battery icon to the
system tray.
The package fdpowermon, no longer needed, will be removed.
Add Bunsenlabs backports, upgrade xfce4-power-manager? [Y/n]
Adding BunsenLabs backports to apt sources...
updating apt...
Finished update
Upgrading xfce4-power-manager...
Installation finished sucessfully.
xfce4-power-manager successfully upgraded.
Removing fdpowermon...
Successfully removed fdpowermon fdpowermon-icons
Commenting out fdpowermon from autostart file...
 -------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with a minimal set of background images. Would
you like to install the larger collection of wallpapers etc. from the
BunsenLabs Extra Images package? (It will be an 83MB download.)
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Bunsen Extra Images? [y/N]
Installation finished sucessfully.
 -------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to
add printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
There were problems installing bunsen-meta-printer-support
Press "d" for details (q to quit)
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:53:06 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 -------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources
are up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
It was necessary to update in order to continue the script.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:53:23 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 -------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources
are up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 -------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]-------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 -------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
xfce4-power-manager has already been upgraded to the BunsenLabs backports
 -------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Bunsen Extra Images has already been installed.
 -------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to
add printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 9 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with a Java Runtime Environment. Would
you like to install Java support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Java Support? [y/N]
There were problems installing bunsen-meta-java
Press "d" for details (q to quit)
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:54:15 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Editing sources list failed. This script will exit.
Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and check the entries
before running bl-welcome again.
Press any key to continue.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Wed May 25 10:54:25 EDT 2016
 -------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 -------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the
Flash Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 -------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources
are up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 -------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]-------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 -------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
xfce4-power-manager has already been upgraded to the BunsenLabs backports
 -------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Bunsen Extra Images has already been installed.
 -------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to
add printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 9 of 18 ]-------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with a Java Runtime Environment. Would
you like to install Java support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Java Support? [y/N]
 ------------------------------[ page 10 of 18 ]-------------------------------
Debian backports are packages taken from the next Debian release (called
"testing"), adjusted and recompiled for usage on Debian stable. If you enable
this repository you will be able to upgrade some programs to newer versions,
or install some programs not available in Debian stable.
However, backports cannot be tested as extensively as Debian stable, and are
provided on an as-is basis, with risk of incompatibilities with other
components in Debian stable. It is therefore recommended to only select single
backported packages that fit your needs, and not use all available backports.
This will add the line:
deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-jessie-backports.list,
allowing you to upgrade or install packages using that repository.
Would you like to enable the Debian Backports repositories? [y/N]
 ------------------------------[ page 11 of 18 ]-------------------------------
You already have the Pepper Flash Player installed and enabled for Iceweasel.
 ------------------------------[ page 12 of 18 ]-------------------------------
The third-party deb-multimedia repositories contain media-related packages
that may be newer than those in the Debian repositories, or not available at
all. On the other hand, packages from these repositories can cause problems
for some users, and are not supported by Debian in any way. Do not add these
repositories unless you need some specific package unobtainable from Debian.
If in doubt, you need not add them now - you can do it later if necessary, by
running bl-welcome again.
This will add the line:
deb jessie main non-free
to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multi.list, with apt-pinning of 100,
allowing you to upgrade or install packages using that repository.
Would you like to add the deb-multimedia repositories? [y/N]
 ------------------------------[ page 13 of 18 ]-------------------------------
The remaining screens will offer you the chance to install less commonly used
packages used for developing software.
Would you like to view these options/screens? [y/N]
 ------------------------------[ page 18 of 18 ]-------------------------------
_____ ___ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ _____ ____ _
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|_| |___|_| \_|___|____/|_| |_|_____|____/(_)
If you have any questions or feedback, please visit us on the web:
Hit any key to exit...

Starting bl-welcome for michael at Sat May 28 08:58:46 EDT 2016
 --------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]--------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 --------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the Flash
Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources list?
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Editing sources list failed. This script will exit.
Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and check the entries before
running bl-welcome again.
Press any key to continue.
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Sat May 28 09:04:54 EDT 2016
 --------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]--------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
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|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 --------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the Flash
Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources list?
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 --------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources are
up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 --------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]--------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 --------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
xfce4-power-manager has already been upgraded to the BunsenLabs backports
 --------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Bunsen Extra Images has already been installed.
 --------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to add
printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 9 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with a Java Runtime Environment. Would you
like to install Java support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Java Support? [y/N]
There were problems installing bunsen-meta-java
Press "d" for details (q to quit)
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Sat May 28 09:06:29 EDT 2016
 --------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]--------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
| | | | ____| | | | / _ \
| |_| | _| | | | | | | | |
| _ | |___| |___| |__| |_| |
|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 --------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the Flash
Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources list?
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 --------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources are
up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 --------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]--------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 --------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
xfce4-power-manager has already been upgraded to the BunsenLabs backports
 --------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Bunsen Extra Images has already been installed.
 --------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to add
printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 9 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with a Java Runtime Environment. Would you
like to install Java support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Java Support? [y/N]
 -------------------------------[ page 10 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Debian backports are packages taken from the next Debian release (called
"testing"), adjusted and recompiled for usage on Debian stable. If you enable
this repository you will be able to upgrade some programs to newer versions, or
install some programs not available in Debian stable.
However, backports cannot be tested as extensively as Debian stable, and are
provided on an as-is basis, with risk of incompatibilities with other components
in Debian stable. It is therefore recommended to only select single backported
packages that fit your needs, and not use all available backports.
This will add the line:
deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-jessie-backports.list,
allowing you to upgrade or install packages using that repository.
Would you like to enable the Debian Backports repositories? [y/N]
Starting bl-welcome for michael at Sat May 28 09:07:02 EDT 2016
 --------------------------------[ page 1 of 18 ]--------------------------------
_ _ _____ _ _ ___
| | | | ____| | | | / _ \
| |_| | _| | | | | | | | |
| _ | |___| |___| |__| |_| |
|_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/
Hi michael, welcome to BunsenLabs Linux! :)
This is an optional post-installation script, designed to help you configure
your new Linux installation and get the most out of BunsenLabs.
You will now be presented with a series of options. You will need your
administrator (sudo) password, so please have it ready.
You will also need a working internet connection, so if you have not done so
already, please configure your internet connection.
If you do not want to run this script now, you can run it at a later date by
entering the command "bl-welcome" in your terminal.
(Messages will be saved to /home/michael/.cache/bunsen-welcome/bl-welcome.log)
Hit "Enter" to continue, or "q" to quit...
Please enter your password now and it will be stored for a while.
(You may need to enter it again later.)
Thank you.
 Checking internet connection...
Internet connection test passed!
 --------------------------------[ page 2 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking apt sources list for possible missing components...
A normal BunsenLabs setup uses the 'contrib' and 'non-free' components of the
Debian repositories, but they seem to be missing from your apt sources list.
Without them you will be unable to install some packages, for example the Flash
Plugins. Would you like to add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources list?
enable "contrib" and "non-free"? [Y/n]
Continuing anyway...
 --------------------------------[ page 3 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Before we can continue, we need to make sure your system's software sources are
up-to-date. This script will now execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Would you like to update your software sources? [Y/n]
Finished update
 --------------------------------[ page 4 of 18 ]--------------------------------
We now need to upgrade the installed packages on your system. If you choose to
do this, this script will execute the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Would you like to upgrade your system now? [Y/n]
Current version of bunsen-welcome: 8.10-1
Finished upgrade.
 --------------------------------[ page 5 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Checking your system for possible improvements...
You already have a PAE enabled kernel installed.
This seems to be a laptop computer.
xfce4-power-manager has already been upgraded to the BunsenLabs backports
 --------------------------------[ page 6 of 18 ]--------------------------------
Bunsen Extra Images has already been installed.
 --------------------------------[ page 7 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs comes with LibreOffice Writer only. Would you like to
install the full LibreOffice suite?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install LibreOffice Suite? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 8 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with printer support. Would you like to add
printer support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install printer support? [y/N]
 --------------------------------[ page 9 of 18 ]--------------------------------
By default, BunsenLabs does not come with a Java Runtime Environment. Would you
like to install Java support now?
If you choose to do this, the following packages will be installed:
Note: additional packages listed as dependencies will also be installed.
Would you like to install Java Support? [y/N]
There were problems installing bunsen-meta-java
Press "d" for details (q to quit)
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
Would you like to quit now, or continue anyway?
(Be careful!)
Press "q" to quit, "c" to continue:
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