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Created August 21, 2013 04:35
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Better Clojure code for file system watching...
(ns manico.utils.fs-watch
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[lwjgl-spike.utils.interop :as interop])
(:import [java.nio.file Paths WatchEvent$Kind
(def ^:private keywords->event-kinds
{:create StandardWatchEventKinds/ENTRY_CREATE
:modify StandardWatchEventKinds/ENTRY_MODIFY
:delete StandardWatchEventKinds/ENTRY_DELETE})
(def ^:private event-kinds->keywords (set/map-invert keywords->event-kinds))
(defn- kind [event]
(-> event .kind event-kinds->keywords))
(defn- path [event]
(-> event .context str))
(defn- descriptor [event]
[(kind event)
(path event)])
(defn register
"Registers for a file system watch. Path should be a string.
Valid kinds are :create, :modify, and :delete."
[path & kinds]
(let [path (Paths/get path (interop/string-array []))
kinds (map keywords->event-kinds kinds)
watch (-> path (.getFileSystem) (.newWatchService))]
(.register path watch (into-array WatchEvent$Kind kinds))
(defn poll
"Poll for file system events for watch. Returns a vector of event
descriptors. Each event descriptor is a vector of the event kind
and the event path."
(if-let [watch-key (.poll watch)]
(let [events (doall (map descriptor (.pollEvents watch-key)))]
(.reset watch-key)
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