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Created October 22, 2021 15:49
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epifi problem statement: find shortest route
package main
import "fmt"
type Route struct {
routes []int
routesM map[int]bool
type track struct {
bus []int
cbusNo int
haveReachedTarget bool
var (
// k: bus v:stops
BusRoutes map[int]*Route
// k:busStop v:availableBus
BusOpt map[int][]int
vistedBus, vistedBusStop map[int]bool
func init() {
BusRoutes = make(map[int]*Route)
BusOpt = make(map[int][]int)
vistedBus = make(map[int]bool)
vistedBusStop = make(map[int]bool)
func main() {
var (
source, target int
// INPUT: [1,2,7],[3,6,7]], source = 1, target = 6
source = 1
target = 6
// [7,12],[4,5,15],[6],[15,19],[9,12,13]] source = 15, target = 12
// source = 15
// target = 12
inputRoutes := [][]int{
0: {1, 2, 7},
1: {3, 6, 7},
// 0: {7, 12},
// 1: {4, 5, 15},
// 2: {6},
// 3: {15, 19},
// 4: {9, 12, 13},
// 0: {1, 2, 7}, // source = 1
// 1: {3, 6, 7},
// 2: {9, 3, 4}, // target = 4
// source = 1
// target = 4
//get available bus
busOpts, ok := BusOpt[source]
if !ok {
routeTrack := &track{
bus: make([]int, 0),
haveReachedTarget: false,
for _, busNo := range busOpts {
vistedBus[busNo] = true
routeTrack.bus = append(routeTrack.bus, busNo)
routeTrack.cbusNo = busNo
// take stopes
busStopes := BusRoutes[busNo]
// if the target within the same bus route
// ie. check if this bus goes to the target
if ok := busStopes.routesM[target]; ok {
routeTrack.haveReachedTarget = true
findRoute(target, routeTrack, busStopes.routes)
if routeTrack.haveReachedTarget {
if !routeTrack.haveReachedTarget {
fmt.Println("No of Bus i took> ", len(routeTrack.bus))
// ok, check if i can move to other bus
// so, far we know, the same "bus" can't go to "target"
func findRoute(target int, routeTrack *track, busStopes []int) {
for _, nstop := range busStopes {
vistedBusStop[nstop] = true
busOpts := BusOpt[nstop]
fmt.Printf("Stop: %d, buses: %+v\n", nstop, busOpts)
if len(busOpts) == 1 {
// from where i can take next bus
for _, nbus := range busOpts {
if nbus != routeTrack.cbusNo && !vistedBus[nbus] {
fmt.Printf("INSIDE> Stop: %d, bus: %+v\n", nstop, nbus)
busStopes := BusRoutes[nbus]
if ok := busStopes.routesM[target]; ok {
fmt.Printf("REACHED> Stop: %d, bus: %+v\n", nstop, nbus)
routeTrack.bus = append(routeTrack.bus, nbus)
routeTrack.cbusNo = nbus
routeTrack.haveReachedTarget = true
// from the next stop
fmt.Println("Checking all the busstop from this bus> ", nbus)
routeTrack.bus = append(routeTrack.bus, nbus)
routeTrack.cbusNo = nbus
findRoute(target, routeTrack, busStopes.routes)
if routeTrack.haveReachedTarget {
func transalateInput(inputRoutes [][]int) {
for bus, routes := range inputRoutes {
routeM := make(map[int]bool)
for _, busStop := range routes {
routeM[busStop] = true
bo, ok := BusOpt[busStop]
if !ok {
BusOpt[busStop] = append(BusOpt[busStop], bus)
bo = append(bo, bus)
BusOpt[busStop] = bo
BusRoutes[bus] = &Route{
routes: routes,
routesM: routeM,
// [[1,2,7],[3,6,7]], source = 1, target = 6
// routesInput := []int
// map[busStop] = []Routes
0 : [1,2,7]
1: [3,6,7]
1: [0] -> start
2: [0]
3: [1]
6: [1]
7: [0, 1] {
for bus (
for busRoutes {
// 1 > 2
// -----
// 1 > 2 > N
// map[routes] -> [bus] -> findclosest?
// linked list of routes! ||
// source -> stop := []multiple
// find[]
// recursiveSearch() {
// }
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