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Last active March 9, 2021 19:55
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# Some GEO oneliners that make my life easier.
# Dissolve Shapefiles using OGR from an attribute table
ogr2ogr outputfile.shp inputfile.shp \
-dialect sqlite -sql “SELECT dissolvefield,ST_Union(geometry) \
as geometry FROM inputfile GROUP BY dissolvefield”
# Dissolve everything
ogr2ogr -dialect SQLITE -sql "SELECT ST_Union(geometry) FROM input" output.shp input.shp
# loop convert to another format
# Base on
for f in *.gml; do ogr2ogr -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:4326" dir/${f} ${f}; done
# merge shapefiles
# alternate bash script
ogr2ogr merged.shp input1.shp || \
for f in shp/*.shp; do ogr2ogr -update -append merged.shp $f -f "ESRI Shapefile"; done;
# reduce imagery/raster size to 1/10 of the original size without visible difference
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -co TILED=YES original.tif modified.tif
# Point on surface instead of centroids
ogr2ogr PointonSurface.shp InputPolygons.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_PointOnSurface(geometry) from InputPolygons"
# Count features in shapefile
ogrinfo data.shp -sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data"
# Show summary info
ogrinfo -so -al data.shp
# Loop through several files filtering selected attributes and by specific values
for f in *.geojson; do ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -sql "SELECT Var FROM ${f%%.*} WHERE Var> 0" test/${f} ${f}; done`
# Get total area using a defined srs, data is wgs84 (4326) to UTMz51n (32651)
ogrinfo -dialect SQLite -sql 'SELECT SUM(ST_Area(ST_transform(geometry,32651))) FROM data' data.shp
# Get total length using a defined srs, data is wgs84 (4326) to UTMz51n (32651)
ogrinfo -dialect SQLite -sql 'SELECT SUM(ST_Length(ST_Transform(geometry,32651))) FROM data' data.shp
# Choose specifc geometrey type from geojson, example for linestring
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='LineString'" test_2.shp test2.geojson
# Individual shp files to s singel zip file within a given directory
for fname in *.*; do
[ ! -f "$fname" ] || [ -f "$" ] && continue
zip "$prefix" "$prefix".*
# See also
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