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Created October 15, 2015 01:30
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[14:54] == manishrajkarnika [32f97f1b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mesos
[14:54] -ChanServ- [#mesos] This channel is publicly logged.
[14:54] <manishrajkarnika> hi
[14:54] == lambert [~lambert@] has joined #mesos
[14:55] <manishrajkarnika> i am having issue with docker 1.7/1.8 container deployment with mesos 0.24.1 and marathon 0.11.0
[14:55] <manishrajkarnika> I have documented the issue here
[14:56] <manishrajkarnika> wondering if somebody can help me out
[15:00] == achanda [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:00] <dtrainor> can you docker inspect that image and see what it gives you?
[15:01] == jieyu [~jieyu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:02] == Yasumoto [~yasumoto@unaffiliated/yasumoto] has joined #mesos
[15:05] == jieyu [~jieyu@] has joined #mesos
[15:06] == lambert [~lambert@] has quit [Quit: lambert]
[15:07] <dtrainor> BluePeppers, do you have any command-line tools for parsing individual values in a json tree?
[15:07] == jieyu [~jieyu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:07] <dtrainor> otherwise I'd do something dumb like sed/awk/grep'ing through it
[15:09] == hellertime1 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[15:13] <manishrajkarnika> yes i can do the docker inspect and provide a link here
[15:14] == sobersocialist [] has quit [Quit: Instantbird 1.5 --]
[15:16] <manishrajkarnika> docker inspect response :
[15:17] == dtrainor []
[15:17] == realname : Dan Trainor
[15:17] == channels : #mesos
[15:17] == server : [Washington, DC, USA]
[15:17] == : is using a secure connection
[15:17] == account : dan__t
[15:17] == End of WHOIS
[15:17] == dtrainor []
[15:17] == realname : Dan Trainor
[15:17] == channels : #mesos
[15:17] == server : [Washington, DC, USA]
[15:17] == : is using a secure connection
[15:17] == account : dan__t
[15:17] == End of WHOIS
[15:18] <manishrajkarnika> @Dan do you think if there is anything wrong with the way i am spinning up my docker container for master/slave ?
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[15:28] <dtrainor> sorry doing a few things at once, give me a bit
[15:29] == Punkrex [~punkrex@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:33] == eghobo [~eghobo@] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[15:34] <BluePeppers> dreewoo: jq
[15:34] <BluePeppers> dtrainor: jq
[15:35] <BluePeppers> sorry dreewoo :)
[15:35] <BluePeppers> that said, with docker inspect you can use the -f param to get a particular value
[15:36] == Punkrex [~punkrex@] has joined #mesos
[15:38] <BluePeppers> manishrajkarnika: sounds like the status api call is failing. can you do things like `docker stats $(docker ps -q)`?
[15:40] == lambert [~lambert@] has joined #mesos
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[15:41] <dtrainor> oh that's right.
[15:41] <dtrainor> thank you.
[15:41] == achanda [] has joined #mesos
[15:41] == achanda [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:42] <manishrajkarnika> for the failed container f6a4ca265d30 0.00% 2.609 MB/100.7 MB 2.59% 0 B/0 B
[15:42] <manishrajkarnika> thats the output bluePeppers
[15:43] <BluePeppers> not sure, the error message seems to be saying that it couldn't get the information that that command (docker stats) is returning
[15:44] <BluePeppers> could maybe be a race condition, but that seems unlikely
[15:44] == achanda [] has joined #mesos
[15:44] <manishrajkarnika> which error message are you referring to
[15:44] == jieyu [~jieyu@] has joined #mesos
[15:44] <BluePeppers> 'Failed to get resource statistics for executor ...'
[15:46] <manishrajkarnika> well from what I can see looks like its trying to do 'docker inspect mesos-20151014-203940-1684252864-5050-7-S5.45284402-b0dd-4e34-86b3-e555e6b9ecf0'
[15:46] <manishrajkarnika> but the failed container name is mesos-20151014-203940-1684252864-5050-7-S5.45284402-b0dd-4e34-86b3-e555e6b9ecf0.executor
[15:46] <manishrajkarnika> it has executor at the end
[15:47] <manishrajkarnika> so docker inspect is failing
[15:47] <BluePeppers> afaict, an executor container is started, but in the inspect output you can see it mounts the docker socket
[15:47] <BluePeppers> that means that it can then start the actual container
[15:47] == Punkrex [~punkrex@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:48] <BluePeppers> what does docker logs mesos-20151014-203940-1684252864-5050-7-S5.45284402-b0dd-4e34-86b3-e555e6b9ecf0.executor give?
[15:48] <BluePeppers> just the one line about failing to get resource statistics?
[15:49] <manishrajkarnika>
[15:50] <manishrajkarnika> btw i microbot=helloworld
[15:52] <BluePeppers> hmm not sure. i think this issue might be best escalated to the mailing list
[15:52] <BluePeppers> sorry, my knowledge of mesos internals is lacking
[15:52] <manishrajkarnika> do you see anything wrong with the way i have docker image created and started?
[15:54] <BluePeppers> only thing i can think of is that 'privileged' should be under the 'docker' key
[15:54] <BluePeppers> but can't see why that'd cause the issue your having
[15:55] <manishrajkarnika> oh for the master?
[15:56] <BluePeppers> for the marathon task definition
[15:56] == achanda [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[15:58] == faddat [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[15:58] <manishrajkarnika> so something like this: docker run --name master -d \ --privileged --net=host \ -e MESOS_CLUSTER=localmesos \ -e MESOS_HOSTNAME= \ -e MESOS_IP= \ -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/mesos/master \ -e MESOS_PORT=5050 \ -e MESOS_QUORUM=1 \ -e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/mesos/master \ -e MESOS_ZK=zk:// \ -e MARATHON_HOSTNAME= \ -e MARATHON_HTTPS_ADDRESS= \
[16:00] <BluePeppers> oh god, docker in docker
[16:00] == lambert [~lambert@] has quit [Quit: lambert]
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[16:04] == adamt [~adamt@unaffiliated/adamt] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[16:06] <manishrajkarnika> is that bad
[16:09] == jrb [~jrb@2601:648:8102:3c08:ea2a:eaff:fe60:d416] has joined #mesos
[16:10] <BluePeppers> manishrajkarnika: it can cause problems. in genreal, i try and avoid it
[16:11] == vinodkone [~vinodkone@] has joined #mesos
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[16:21] <manishrajkarnika> I had used before
[16:21] <manishrajkarnika> and it had worked
[16:22] <manishrajkarnika> thought it would work with latest version also
[16:23] == rhoml[away] [] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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[16:40] <dtrainor> BluePeppers, btw, there's a "Suspend" button in the Marathon UI that then pops up a dialogue asking you to confirm a scale to 0 instances.
[16:42] <dtrainor> eh we knew that heh
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