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Forked from jacquescrocker/Gemfile
Created October 20, 2012 00:59
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Gemfile for
# deploybtn Gemfile
source ''
gem "rake", ">= 0.9.2"
gem 'rails', ">= 3.2.7"
gem 'json'
gem "rails_config", "0.2.5"
gem "guid"
# ui stuff
gem 'haml', ">= 3.2.0.alpha.14"
gem "rails_autolink"
gem 'jquery-rails'
# middleware stuff
gem "useragent"
gem "rack", "1.4.1"
gem "rack-mobile-detect", :require => "rack/mobile-detect"
gem "rack-openid", :require => "rack/openid"
gem "rack-cors", :require => "rack/cors"
# oauth stuff
gem "oauth"
gem "oauth2"
gem "omniauth", ">= 1.0"
# backend stuff
gem "ohm"
gem "mongo", "= 1.5.2"
gem "bson_ext", "= 1.5.2"
gem "mongomatic", :git => ""
# resque stuff
gem "redis"
gem "resque"
gem "resque-exceptional"
# server stuff
gem "unicorn"
gem 'capistrano'
# 3rd party clients
gem "octokit"
gem "dropbox-api"
gem "heroku-api"
# misc libraries
gem "hipchat"
gem "validate_email"
gem "pusher"
gem "mixpanel"
gem "hpricot"
gem "exceptional"
gem "s3"
gem "stamp"
gem "intercom", :git => ""
gem 'mailgun-rails'
# for remote ssh calls
gem "net-ssh", "~> 2.4.0"
gem "net-scp", "~> 1.0.4"
gem "sshkey"
# for encrypting passwords
gem "encryptor"
# for accessing http and rest resources
gem "rest-client"
# assets pipeline
group :assets do
gem "sprockets"
gem 'handlebars_assets'
gem "sass", ">= 3.2.0.alpha.247"
gem "sass-rails"
gem "bootstrap-sass"
gem "bourbon"
# gem "asset_sync"
gem "coffee-rails"
gem "uglifier"
gem 'yui-compressor', :require => 'yui/compressor'
group :development do
gem "debugger"
# setup guard
gem "guard", ">= 1.0.0"
gem "guard-coffeescript", ">= 0.4.0"
gem "guard-shell"
gem "guard-livereload", ">= 0.4.0"
gem "rack-livereload", ">= 0.3.4"
gem "guard-resque", ">= 0.0.2"
gem "guard-process", :git => ""
# terminiator is nice
gem "terminitor", ">= 0.6.0", :git => ""
group :development, :test do
# useful alias
# script/pry
gem "thin"
gem "pry"
gem "pry-rails"
gem "pry-remote"
gem "pry-nav"
gem "fabrication"
gem "ffaker"
gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.5.0"
gem "rb-fsevent"
gem "rb-appscript", "= 0.6.1"
# sprite
gem "rmagick"
# # gem "sprite", :path => "~/Gems/sprite"
gem "sprite", ">= 0.2.5"
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