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Created March 11, 2019 15:16
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  • Save manjuhere/4c48d2f285881fc16ccd91ca8a7ce639 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Create a Universal Static Library/FAT framework for iOS. Combines arm (device) and x86(simulator) architectures.
CUR_DIR=$(eval "pwd")
if [[ $1 == '' ]]; then
echo "Provide scheme to generate the Frameworks"
echo "./ (scheme_name)"
exit 1
echo "Building for Device..."
xcodebuild -scheme $scheme SYMROOT="$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/Device"
echo "Building for Simulator..."
xcodebuild -scheme $scheme -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone XR,OS=12.1' SYMROOT="$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/Sim"
echo "Renaming $DEV_LOC to $NEW_DEV_LOC"
echo "Renaming $SIM_LOC to $NEW_SIM_LOC"
echo "Moving $NEW_DEV_LOC to $CUR_DIR/Frameworks"
mv $NEW_DEV_LOC "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks"
echo "Moving $NEW_SIM_LOC to $CUR_DIR/Frameworks"
mv $NEW_SIM_LOC "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks"
echo "Removing Device and Sim Directories"
rm -r "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/Device"
rm -r "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/Sim"
echo "Backing up device framework"
cp -r "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework" "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-device.framework"
echo "Creating FAT framework"
eval "lipo -create $CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-sim.framework/$scheme $CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework/$scheme -output $CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme"
echo "Copying swift module file"
mv "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme" "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework/"
echo "Appending iOS Simulator in Info.plist"
plutil -insert CFBundleSupportedPlatforms.1 -string iPhoneSimulator "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework/Info.plist"
echo "copying simulator swiftmodule files to fat framework"
cp "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-sim.framework/Modules/$scheme.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftdoc" "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework/Modules/$scheme.swiftmodule/"
cp "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-sim.framework/Modules/$scheme.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule" "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework/Modules/$scheme.swiftmodule/"
echo "renaming fat framework to actual framework name"
mv "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme-dev.framework" "$CUR_DIR/Frameworks/$scheme.framework"
exit 0
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