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Last active December 30, 2015 02:39
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DI using cake
// from:
// (1).
case class User(username: String, password: String)
trait UserRepositoryComponent {
val userRepository: UserRepository
class UserRepository {
def create(user: User): Unit = println(s"create $user")
trait UserServiceComponent {
self: UserRepositoryComponent =>
val userService: UserService
class UserService {
def create(username: String, password: String): Unit =
userRepository.create(User(username, password))
object ComponentRegistry extends UserServiceComponent with UserRepositoryComponent {
val userRepository = new UserRepository
val userService = new UserService
// (2). same as (1) but separating interface from implementation
case class User(username: String, password: String)
trait UserRepositoryComponent {
val userRepository: UserRepository
trait UserRepository {
def create(user: User): Unit
trait UserRepositoryComponentImpl extends UserRepositoryComponent {
override val userRepository: UserRepository = new UserRepositoryImpl
private class UserRepositoryImpl extends UserRepository {
override def create(user: User) = println(s"create $user")
trait UserServiceComponent {
val userService: UserService
trait UserService {
def create(username: String, password: String): Unit
trait UserServiceComponentImpl extends UserServiceComponent {
self: UserRepositoryComponent =>
override val userService: UserService = new UserServiceImpl
private class UserServiceImpl extends UserService {
override def create(username: String, password: String) =
userRepository.create(User(username, password))
trait ComponentRegistry extends UserServiceComponent with UserRepositoryComponent
trait ComponentRegistryImpl extends ComponentRegistry with UserServiceComponentImpl with UserRepositoryComponentImpl
// (3). di using partial application & currying
case class User(username: String, password: String)
trait UserRepository {
def create(user: User): Unit
trait UserService {
def create: UserRepository => User => Unit =
repo => user => repo.create(user)
object MyRepository extends UserRepository {
def create(user: User) = println(s"create $user")
object MyService extends UserService {
def create_c = create(MyRepository)
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