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Last active October 26, 2018 10:03
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rails Mail-boxer notes
#send a message between two users. This will create a Mailoxer::Conversation behind the scene.
user_1 = User.where(email: 'user email').first
user_2 = User.where(email: 'user email').first
message_subject = "Review of work"
message_body = "Kindly look at my submitted work"
user_1.send_message(user_2, message_body , message_subject)
#starting Mail_boxer::Conversation
a = Mailboxer::Conversation.find(1)
yy = a.mesages
b = Mailboxer::Message.find(1)
c = b.sender
d = c.mailbox.sentbox
f = c.mailbox.sentbox.first
s = f.participants.reject { |u| == }
#get the participants id
h = s[0]['id']
###s fetch conversation from user messages
a = user.find(1)
b = a.messages
c = b.each {|r| r.conversation }
##replying to conversation approach 1
h = Mailboxer::Conversation.find(1)
g = h.messages
p = h.messages.last
a = User.find(1)
b = User.find(2)
tt = b.reply_to_conversation(h, 'great', 'hi')
###replying to conversation approach 2
a = User.find(1)
b = User.find(2)
#note 'h' is a receipt object and belongs_to message
#which in turn belongs_to conversation
h = a.send_message(b, 'tutorial request', 'teach me chemistry')
g = h.message
f = g.conversation
b.reply_to_conversation(f, 'great', 'hi')
#fetch 1st conversation thru user
w = a.mailbox.inbox.first
#2 ways to get the participants in a conversation
z = w.participants
z = w.recipients
##Returns the receipts of the conversation for one participants
q = w.receipts_for(a)
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