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Created November 4, 2014 12:24
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ember-cli authentication & user signup
// controllers/application.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
currentUser: null,
authToken: '',
// used to show, or not show, the log out button
loggedIn: false,
isAnonymous: Ember.computed.not('loggedIn'),
// when a user enters the app unauthenticated, the transition
// to where they are going is saved off so it can be retried
// when they have logged in.
afterLoginTransition: null,
isauthToken: Ember.computed.notEmpty('authToken'),
isCurrentUser: Ember.computed.notEmpty('currentUser'),
isLoggedin: Ember.computed.equal('loggedIn', true),
//returns true if 'isCurrentUser' and 'isloggedIn' are both true and returns false if any of them is flase
currentlyLoggedIn: Ember.computed.and('isauthToken', 'isLoggedin'),
login: function(){
afterLoginTransitions: null,
loggedIn: true
logOut: function(){
loggedIn: false,
//currentUser: null,
authToken: null
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: 'application',
email: ' ',
password: '',
passwordConfirmation: '',
reset: function(){
email: '',
password: '',
passwordConfirmation: ''
signupSuccessful: function(){
var applicationController = this.get('controllers.application');
//set loggedIn, so the UI shows the button to logout
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
//a = Charity.__container__.lookup('controller:application')
beforeModel: function(){
//return this.csrf.fetchToken();
return this.csrfService.fetchToken();
actions: {
logoutUser: function(){
var self = this;
console.log('id', self);
var params = {
url: "/api/signout.json",
//url: "/api/sessions/" + self,
type: "DELETE",
dataType: "json",
//url: "/users/sign_out.json"
signout = Ember.$.ajax(params);
return signout.then(
function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
console.log('sign out', data);
console.log('auth token', data.authenticity_token);
console.log('textStatus', textStatus);
console.log('jqHR', jqXHR);
console.log('container has', self.container.lookup('service:csrf'));
self.set('csrfService.token.authenticity_token', data.authenticity_token);
//self.container.lookup('service:csrf').set('token', data.authenticity_token);
function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
console.log('sign out', jqXHR);
console.log('textStatus', textStatus);
console.log('errorThrown', errorThrown);
} //closes actions
// routes/signup.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
signupUser: function( ) {
var self = this;
var signupController = this.controllerFor('signup');
var email = signupController.get('email');
var password = signupController.get('password');
var passwordConfirmation = signupController.get('passwordConfirmation');
var signup = Ember.$.ajax({
url: "/users.json",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
//data: {email: email, password: password, passwordConfirmation: passwordConfirmation}
data: {user: { email: email, password: password, passwordConfirmation: passwordConfirmation }}
console.log('data', data);
var loaded;
//loaded = self.get('store').push('user', data.user);
//console.log('push', loaded);
//console.log('la', loaded.get('username') );
//use pushPayload for data that is not yet normalised
loaded = self.get('store').pushPayload('user', data);
//loaded = self.get('store');
//loaded.pushPayload('user', data);
console.log('pushPayload', loaded);
console.log('user', self.get('store').find('user'));
console.log('username directly in passed in data', data.user.username);
console.log('using store.find:', self.get('store').find('user', );
//finding user this way doesn't works and we can't fetch a username there after
var n = self.get('store').find('user',;
console.log('username b4 resolving promise:', n.get('username') ); //undefined in console
var a = n.then(function(user){ console.log('log username:', user.get('username') ); });
console.log('user after then:', a ); //give an empty promise
//finding user this way works and we can fetch a username there after
//getById gets a record by type and ID without triggering a fetch
var p = self.get('store').getById('user',;
console.log('using store.getById:', p);
//only works when we push data into the store using push rtns null with pushPayload
console.log('username after getById:', p.get('username') );
console.log('authToken:', data.user.authentication_token);
var b = self.controllerFor('application');
b.set('authToken', data.user.authentication_token);
//this function redirects the user after successful loggedin to the link they wanted to access or to home page
} //closes signupUser
}//closes action
<h1> Signup form </h1>
<form {{action 'signupUser' on='submit'}}>
{{input type='text' value=email placeholder='email'}}
{{input type='password' value=password placeholder='password'}}
{{input type='password' value=passwordConfirmation placeholder='re-enter your password'}}
<button type="submit">signup</button>
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