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Last active September 18, 2019 06:03
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class MkTuple (xs :: [(a, Type)]) where
type AsTuple xs :: *
mkTuple :: NP P xs -> AsTuple xs
instance MkTuple '[] where
type AsTuple '[] = ()
mkTuple _ = ()
instance MkTuple xss => MkTuple (x ': xss) where
type AsTuple (x : xss) = (Snd x, AsTuple xss)
mkTuple (P x :* xss) = (x, mkTuple xss)
dismantle :: (IsRecord a xs , MkTuple xs) => a -> AsTuple xs
dismantle = mkTuple . toRecord
-- :D
(>*<) :: Divisible f => f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
(>*<) = divided
infixr 5 >*<
data Image = Image
{ _imageWidth :: Int
, _imageHeight :: Int
, _imageTitle :: Text
, _imageAnimated :: Bool
, _imageIDs :: [Int]
deriving (Show, Eq, GHC.Generic)
instance Generic Image
eImg :: Applicative f => E.ObjEncoder f Image
eImg = dismantle
>$< _toObj "Width"
>*< _toObj "Height"
>*< _toObj "Title" E.text
>*< _toObj "Animated" E.bool
>*< _toObj "IDs" (E.list
>*< conquer
_toObj k enc = E.objEncoder $ \x ->
E.onObj k x enc mempty
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