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Created September 3, 2021 15:57
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Minio / Linkerd / Epinio notes
# minio plugin installed, add operator:
# kubectl minio init
# enable linkerd injection
kubectl create ns epi-minio
kubectl patch namespace epi-minio --type=json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations", "value": {"": "enabled"}}]'
# disable https for our tenant
#kubectl minio tenant create tenant1 --servers 1 --volumes 4 --capacity 5Gi --namespace epi-minio
# no https
kubectl minio tenant create tenant1 --servers 1 --volumes 4 --capacity 5Gi --namespace epi-minio -o | sed 's
/requestAutoCert: true/requestAutoCert: false/' | kubectl apply -f -
# show creds
kubectl get secret -n epi-minio tenant1-user-1 -o json | jq -r '.data[] |= @base64d | .data'
# install Epinio
# epinio install --s3-access-key-id admin
# --s3-secret-access-key 649b4fbc-068d-4958-a292-50a4d9edf515
# --s3-endpoint minio.epi-minio.svc.cluster.local
# --s3-bucket epitest
# --s3-location none
# --system-domain -s
# run client in cluster
# kubectl run --restart=Never minio$RANDOM --image=minio/mc --namespace default --command -- sleep 5000
# mc config host add minio https://minio.epi-minio.svc.cluster.local
# cat /root/.mc/config.json
# {
# "version": "10",
# "aliases": {
# "minio": {
# "url": "https://minio.epi-minio.svc.cluster.local",
# "accessKey": "admin",
# "secretKey": "649b4fbc-068d-4958-a292-50a4d9edf515",
# "api": "s3v4",
# "path": "auto"
# }
# }
# }
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