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Last active September 7, 2018 10:01
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Save manno/9567bfabecdf47ca28303121006b5aa0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -ev -o pipefail
check() {
if ! ruby -ryaml -e 'puts YAML.load('${cmd} | grep -qe "$cond"; then
echo "FAIL: condition '$cond' for command '$cmd'"
wait_for_restart() {
while k get pods nats:nats | grep -qe 'Terminating|Restarting'; do
sleep 1
# Install and test usecase #3 and #4 - secrets are generated and roles wait
sleep 10
kubectl -n my-nats get secrets secrets-1-1 -o yaml | check "['data'].keys" "cacert-key"
kubectl -n my-nats get secrets secrets-1-1 -o yaml | check "['data']['nats-password']" "\S"
# Test usecase #2 and #5 - set a manual secret
helm upgrade --values vars.yml --set secrets.NATS_PASSWORD=newpassword my-nats nats-chart
k get pods nats:nats | grep -e 'Running.*[0-9]s$'
k exec -it nats:nats env | grep -qe 'NATS_PASSWORD=newpassword'
# Test usecase #6 - go back to a generated secret
helm upgrade --values vars.yml --set secrets.NATS_PASSWORD= my-nats nats-chart
k exec -it nats:nats env | grep -qe 'NATS_PASSWORD=newpassword' && false
# Test usecase #7 - set a value and notice only the value container is restarted
old_time=$(k get pods my-nats:nats -o json | jq '.status.startTime')
helm upgrade --values vars.yml --set env.myvalue="newvalue" my-nats nats-chart
new_time=$(k get pods my-nats:nats -o json | jq '.status.startTime')
if [ "$new_time" != "$old_time" ]; then
echo "nats pod should not restart"
exit 1
# test usecase #8 - upgrade to a new version and see new secrets being created and roles waiting for them
patch -p1 <<EOF
diff --git a/role-manifest.yml b/role-manifest.yml
index 9676f56..a44c566 100644
--- a/role-manifest.yml
+++ b/role-manifest.yml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ configuration:
properties.fissile.monit.password: '"((MONIT_PASSWORD))"'
properties.nats.password: '"((NATS_PASSWORD))"'
properties.nats.user: '"((NATS_USER))"' # In BOSH templates, `p('nats.user')`
+ properties.nats.debug: '"((NATS_DEBUG))"'
# we just need a BOSH release variable to use those
properties.diego.rep.cell_id: '"((#MY_CERT))((/MY_CERT))"((cacert))((cacert_KEY)) ((MY_CERT_KEY))'
@@ -140,6 +141,12 @@ variables:
type: environment
secret: true
+- name: NATS_DEBUG
+ type: password
+ options:
+ description: New Password
+ secret: true
+ required: true
type: password
eval $(minikube docker-env)
fissile build images --force
fissile build helm --auth-type rbac --defaults-file defaults.txt
sed -i -e 's/version: .*/version: 10/' nats-chart/Chart.yaml
helm upgrade my-nats nats-chart
k get secrets nats: | grep -q secrets-10-1
k exec -it nats:nats env | grep -qe 'NATS_DEBUG=\S'
# Test usecase #9 - rotate all generated secrets
old_password=$( k get secrets :secrets-10-1 -o json | jq '.data."nats-password"' )
helm upgrade --values vars.yml --set kube.secrets_generation_counter=2 my-nats nats-chart
new_password=$( k get secrets :secrets-10-2 -o json | jq '.data."nats-password"' )
if [ "$new_password" != "$old_password" ]; then
echo "nats password should have rotated"
exit 1
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