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Last active July 21, 2022 07:33
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void main() {
PowerGrid grid = PowerGrid();
NuclearPlant nuclear = NuclearPlant();
SolarPlant solar = SolarPlant();
class PowerGrid {
List<PowerPlant> connectedPlants = [];
addPlant(PowerPlant plant) {
bool confirmation = plant.turnOn('6 hours');
abstract class PowerPlant {
int costOfEnergy = 0;
bool turnOn(String duration);
class NuclearPlant implements PowerPlant {
int costOfEnergy = 100;
bool turnOn(String operationTime) {
print('☢️ Nuclear plant on for $operationTime at a cost of $costOfEnergy');
return true;
class SolarPlant implements PowerPlant {
int costOfEnergy = 50;
bool turnOn(String operationTime) {
print('🌞 Solar plant on for $operationTime at a cost of $costOfEnergy');
return true;
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