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Last active May 13, 2017 07:19
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/* The Single-Server Queue System */
/* External definitions for single-server queue system */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rand.h" /* header file for random-number generator. */
#define Q_LIMIT 100 /* Limit on queue length */
#define BUSY 1 /* Mnemonics for server's being busy */
#define IDLE 0 /* and idle */
#define __INFINITY 1.0e+30
int next_event_type, num_custs_delayed, num_delays_required, num_events,
serverToDepart, //To share the information between depart function and timing function
num_of_servers; //As the name suggest
float area_num_in_q, area_server_status, mean_interarrival, mean_service,
current_time, time_arrival[Q_LIMIT + 1], time_last_event,
next_arrival_time, total_of_delays,
**servers; //Servers is a 2D matrix where 1st column represent status and second column holds the depart time of the job being processed by corresponding server;
void initialize (void);
void timing(void);
void arrive(void);
void depart(void);
void report(void);
void update_time_avg_stats(void);
float expon(float mean);
int main() /* main function */
/* specify the number of events for the timing function */
num_events = 2;
/* read input parameters */
printf("Input mean interarrival, mean service, no. of delays required and number of servers\n");
scanf("%f %f %d %d", &mean_interarrival, &mean_service,
&num_delays_required, &num_of_servers);
/* write report heading and input parameters */
printf("Multi-server single-queueing system\n\n");
printf("Mean interarrival time%11.3f minutes\n\n", mean_interarrival);
printf("Mean service time%16.3f minutes\n\n", mean_service);
printf("Number of customers%14d\n\n", num_delays_required);
printf("Number of servers: %d\n", num_of_servers);
/* Initialise the simulation */
/* run the simulation while more delays are still needed */
while (num_custs_delayed < num_delays_required)
/* determine the next event */
/* update time-average statistical accumulators */
/* invoke the appropriate event function */
switch (next_event_type)
case 1: arrive();
case 2: depart();
/* invoke the report generator and end the simulation */
return 0;
void initialize(void) /* initialization function */
/* initialise the simulation clock */
current_time = 0.0;
/* initialise the state variables */
servers = malloc(sizeof(int*)*num_of_servers);
for(int i=0; i< num_of_servers; i++)
servers[i] = malloc(sizeof(float*)*2);
servers[i][0] = IDLE;
servers[i][1] = __INFINITY;
num_in_q = 0;
time_last_event = 0.0;
/* initialise the statistical counters */
num_custs_delayed = 0;
total_of_delays = 0.0;
area_num_in_q = 0.0;
area_server_status = 0.0;
/* initialise event list. Since no customers are present, the departure
(service completion) event is eliminated from consideration */
next_arrival_time = current_time + expon(mean_interarrival);
void timing(void) /* timing function */
int i;
float min_time_next_event = 1.0e+29;
next_event_type = 0;
/* determine the event type of the next event to occur either from list of depart times or arrrival time*/
//TODO: remove the usage of num_events
//this will find the coming depart time
for (i=0; i <num_of_servers; ++i)
if (servers[i][1] < min_time_next_event)
min_time_next_event = servers[i][1];
next_event_type = 2; //TODO: use #define for this
serverToDepart = i;
//check if next arrival time is before coming depart time
if(next_arrival_time < min_time_next_event) {
min_time_next_event = next_arrival_time;
next_event_type = 1;
/* check to see whether the event list is empty */
if (next_event_type == 0)
/* the event list is empty, so stop the simulation */
printf("\nEvent list empty at time %f", current_time);
/* the list is not empty, so advance the simulation clock */
current_time = min_time_next_event;
void arrive(void) /* Arrival event function */
float delay;
/* schedule next arrival */
next_arrival_time = current_time + expon(mean_interarrival);
areServersBusy = 1,
/* check to see whether server is busy */
for(int i = 0; i< num_of_servers; i++)
if(servers[i][0] == IDLE)
areServersBusy = 0;
freeServerNumber = i;
if (areServersBusy)
/* servers are busy, so increment no. of customers in queue */
/* check to see whether an overflow condition exists */
if (num_in_q > Q_LIMIT)
/* the queue has overflowed, so stop the simulation */
printf("\nOverflow of the array time_arrival at time %f\n", current_time);
exit (2);
/* there is still room in the queue, so store the time of arrival of the
arriving customer at the (new) end of time_arrival */
time_arrival[num_in_q] = current_time;
/* server is idle, so arriving customer has a delay of zero
(the following two statements are for program clarity and do not
affect the results of the simulation) */
delay = 0.0;
total_of_delays += delay;
/* increment the no. of customers delayed, and make server busy */
servers[freeServerNumber][0] = BUSY;
/* schedule a departure (service completion) */
servers[freeServerNumber][1] = current_time + expon(mean_service);
//Uncomment for debugging:
printf("Current time: %f nextArrivalTime: %f DepartTime: %d\n", current_time, next_arrival_time, freeServerNumber);
for(int i=0; i<num_of_servers; i++)
printf("%f %f ", servers[i][0], servers[i][1]);
void depart(void) /* Departure event function */
int i;
float delay;
/* check to see whether the queue is empty */
if (num_in_q == 0)
/* the queue is empty, so make server idle and eliminate the departure
event from consideration */
servers[serverToDepart][0] = IDLE;
servers[serverToDepart][1] = __INFINITY;
/* the queue is not empty, so decrement the no. of customers in queue */
/* compute the delay of customer who is beginning service and update
the total delay accumulator */
delay = current_time - time_arrival[1];
total_of_delays += delay;
/* increment the no. of customers delayed, and schedule departure */
//This server would be serving the new customer, sorry no break during office hours!
//Status will remain busy
servers[serverToDepart][1] = current_time + expon(mean_service);
/* move each customer in queue (if any) up one place */
for (i= 1; i <= num_in_q; ++i)
time_arrival[i] = time_arrival[i+1];
void report(void) /* report generator function */
/* compute and write estimates of desired measures of performance */
printf("\nAverage delay in queue%11.3f minutes\n\n",
total_of_delays/ num_custs_delayed);
printf("Average number in queue%10.3f\n\n", area_num_in_q/current_time);
printf("Server Utilization%15.3f\n\n", area_server_status/current_time);
printf("Time simulation ended%12.3f\n", current_time);
void update_time_avg_stats(void) /* update area accumulators for time-average
statistics */
float time_since_last_event;
/* Compute time since last event, and update last-event-time marker */
time_since_last_event = current_time - time_last_event;
time_last_event = current_time;
/* update area under number-in-queue function */
area_num_in_q += num_in_q * time_since_last_event;
/* update area under server-busy indicator function */
for(int i=0; i< num_of_servers; i++)
area_server_status += servers[i][0] * time_since_last_event;
float expon(float mean) /* exponential variate generation function */
float u;
/* generate a U(0,1) random veriate */
u = randno(1);
/* return an exponential random variate with mean "mean" */
return -mean*log(u);
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